Chapter 25 [rewritten]

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Chapter 25; Please be Okay

It was pretty unusual for Eren and Armin to be hanging out. Sure, the two were friends, but ever since Eren moved across town for his father's job the two found their hangouts becoming more and more scarce. But when the Eren discovered that Mikasa was moving on and dating someone else, he knew that staying home would only drive him insane. This resulted in him hitting up his best friend, Armin, and now the two were hanging out.

They walked down the sidewalk, their destination still a number of minutes ahead of them as it was Historia's house. They were coming back from the arcade and both them and Historia agreed on them coming over for a couple of hours right after.

During their walk to Historia's house, Armin kept a keen eye on Eren. The brunet was unusually quiet, his eyebrows furrowing every now and then due to him being deep in thought. Armin took note of this, although he debated on whether or not he should break their silence.

It wasn't awkward (the two were best friends, nothing was awkward between them) and it wasn't as if Armin felt the need to break it per se. He just didn't want the silence to stretch between them longer than it should because all silence does is lead to deep thinking.

And Armin knew that if Eren kept thinking (about Mikasa, most likely) he would break his own heart in half.

With a sigh, Armin gave in, parting his lips to bring up a conversation that wasn't controversial and wouldn't lead to a broken heart.


"Shh." Eren shushed his friend. He stopped dead in his tracks and his head swiveled around as if he were looking for something. "Do you hear that?"

Armin cocked a brow at his friend. "Hear what?"

Eren shook his head. "Just... just follow me."

Armin sighed, but didn't retaliate. He followed Eren as he walked across the street, noticing that he was headed dangerously close to where Connie said that he and Jean would be having a double date with Sasha and Mikasa. Armin tried to tell Eren to turn back, not knowing and not wanting to know how Eren would react upon seeing Mikasa and Jean together.

But Eren ignored his friend's warning, instead being particularly interest about the noise he was hearing. It was as if a girl were sobbing and moaning at the same ti-

Eren's thoughts cut short when he looked past a corner to see exactly that.

There were two people, male and female, and the guy had a girl pinned up against a wall. The girl's skirt was at her ankles and her shirt was pulled up, exposing her red bra and the pale mounds tucked into the aforementioned undergarment. The guy's hand was buried in the girl's panties, his other hand wandering all over the girl's body. His mouth sucked and bit at the girl's neck and collarbone, leaving purple and red marks in his wake.

The girl sobbed uncontrollably as the male continued, pure fear evident in her eyes and in the way her body trembled. Hot tears rolled down her flushed cheeks, dripping down her neck and onto hickeys, her black hair fell past her shoulders in a disheveled manner, and her lips quivered as she tried to suppress her urge to scream.

Eren instantly recognized the girl, and his heart sank upon recognition.

"Mikasa?" He breathed.

Armin met up with Eren, following his gaze to see Mikasa as well.

"Holy shit." Armin cursed under his breath. "Eren, we should go." Armin said, not even being able to imagine how heartbroken Eren must be from the sight.

Eren shook his head.

"N-No." He breathed. "No, sh-she can't be enjoying this." Eren denied his thoughts.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now