Chapter 7 [rewritten]

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Chapter 7; Did He Even Want To Be Her Friend?

"Tell me if he doesn't anything wrong to hurt you. I swear on my life, I will mess him up if-"

"Levi, calm down. It's not just gonna be us, his other friends will be there too." Mikasa said, cutting into her brother's speech, not wanting to hear his very non-null threats anymore. Levi sighed, turning right as they entered the neighborhood of where Eren had invited Mikasa over.

"I know, but I'm just worried for my baby sister." He said.

Mikasa mirthfully rolled her eyes. "I'm almost a legal adult, you know that right?" Mikasa asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, but you'll always be my baby sis." He said.

Mikasa scoffed playfully as Levi pulled up to the driveway of the house that their GPS guided them to. Mikasa hopped out the car, grabbing her purse before she skipped up the steps. She went to Eren's contact on her phone (since she had gotten his number by him giving it to her) and sent him a message; I'm outside.

Not even a second passed until she got a reply; Okay, Sasha will open the door.

Right after Mikasa read the message, the door swung open. A female with brown hair in a ponytail stood on the other side, cookie crumbs on her lips. Right behind her was a male with blond hair.

"Who is it, Sash?" The male asked behind her.

"I dunno." She called back. She looked Mikasa up and down slowly, eyeing her down from the white sundress she wore, printed with daisies, to her essential gloves and then to her black slippers.

"Um, I'm Mikasa Ackerman. Is Eren-"

"Oh, you're that one chick Eren talked about! Yeah, come on in!" The girl, who Mikasa presumed to be Sasha, said.

Mikasa walked in, slipping her shoes off and she finally got the chance to look at the male. He had blond hair, as Mikasa had observed from outside the door, and blue eyes. He wore a navy blue button up with a collar and to go with it were some dark brown jeans.

"Hi, I'm Armin." The boy said.

Mikasa cleared her throat, already feeling it close and tighten. She felt her anxiety return, and she could hear Annie's words echoing in her head.

"Stupid orphan." "Dumb slut." "Gloomy bitch."

She forced herself to block it out for now, reaching her hand out to shake the boy's. He reciprocated the actions, shaking her hand.

"Mikasa." She said, her throat suddenly dry.

Armin rose a brow at the girl's dismissive behavior, slowly drawing his hand back to his side once their interaction finished. Mikasa looked around the room anxiously in search of Eren. She was feeling an anxiety attack come over her, and what she wanted was to see a familiar face.

"U-Uhm, where's Eren?" Mikasa asked hastily.

Armin raised his finger to the ceiling, "upstairs."

Mikasa nodded, and before she knew it she was going up the stairs, almost sprinting. When she finally heard the voice that belonged to the person she was looking for, she walked followed the sound and ended up at the door to a bedroom.

She put her hand in the doorknob and nearly twisted it before she heard something hag made her pause.


Feminine giggling.

He wasn't alone.

Mikasa braced herself before she slowly opened the door. When she saw who was on the other side, she saw Eren and a female.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now