Chapter 30 [rewritten]

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Chapter 30; Lack of Understanding

"Do you like your tea?" Asked Levi, teasingly, since he already knew the answer. Judging by the way Petra's nose scrunched up and her lip curled after she took a few measly sips of her hot tea, she didn't like the tea one bit.

"It's repulsive," she spat out.

Levi shrugged, "well, maybe you shouldn't-"

"Shouldn't have had wine at the business meeting. I know, I know." Petra cut him off with a roll of her eyes. Levi snickered. She was so cute.

"Did you take the Tylenol?" He asked.

Petra shook her head, reaching into the grocery bag and taking out the medicine. She took out two pills, put them on her tongue, then dowsed it with a swig of her tea. She let out a distasteful groan afterward.

"We're almost home, so you can drink it when we watch our show today anyway." He said. Petra nodded, putting the cup down and sighing.

"I wonder how Mikasa's doing." She muttered, just barely being heard by Levi.

At this, the male Ackerman cocked a brow. "What do you mean? Is she sick or something?"

Petra shook her head. "I dunno. She was crying today, but then said it was because she was watching a sad movie or something. I just hope she's alright." She exhaled.

Levi nodded. "Yeah, me too. Surely, she'd reach out to us?" He said. It was meant to be a declaration like he knew that she would reach out, but instead, it came out like a question. Then reality punched him right in the gut. And he realized that, 'holy hell. Mikasa never tells me when she's hurting.'

Petra seemed to notice that her boyfriend had an epiphany, and although she didn't what it was, she seemed to have understood to a certain degree. "Let's hope so. I hope she isn't hiding too many secrets."

Levi rose a brow again, at this. "What, you mean she's already hiding something?"

Petra snorted. "Of course she is. She's almost 18, of course, she's not gonna tell you everything."

"But... what would she hide?" Levi whispered like he didn't know if he was allowed to ask the question of not.

Petra shrugged. "The usual. Like sneaking out to a friend's house at night, or a boy's house." She teased, but she quickly wished she could take the words back again. She watched Levi's expression sour, and she wished she could reach out into the air and grab her words and swallow them back up like she never said them in the first place.

But she did say them, and Levi heard her, too.

"She better not. Not again." He growled, shaking his head. "Last time-"

"She's still hurting from last time, so give her time," Petra said, hearing Levi's voice raise. "She won't jump back into dating so soon. The other day, she told me a guy asked her out, but she said she was only going to try things out. By the looks of it, she must've rejected him or something."

Levi sighed. "I just hope she won't be reckless again."

Petra didn't know how to respond to that, so she didn't. She just let Levi drive them home in silence, which wasn't very long, and they pulled up to the driveway.

"That took longer than expected. We were gone for nearly an hour." She proclaimed, stepping out of the car and grabbing the grocery bag. She spoke normally as if minutes ago, Levi wasn't close to exploding.

"Yeah, because someone decided that they also wanted haircare and skincare products when they got to the store," Levi said, eyeing the bag Petra held which contained more than just hangover medication.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now