Chapter 19 [rewritten]

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Chapter 19; Jean Kirstein

For the next six days, Mikasa remained cooped up her room. She ignored text messages and calls from Eren, the only communication she managed to get in during the next six days being with either Levi or Petra, although it was still scarce.

To say that Mikasa and Eren's breakup had a bad affect on the former would be an understatement. It destroyed her. She found herself eating less, losing the will to get out of bed, and it was as if all the previous progress she had made on her mental health had shriveled up like a brunt piece of paper and diminished to nothing, as if she hadn't made any progress in the first place.

She was back down the route of self harm, multiple cuts stretching across her forearm and thighs now.

She was surprised she hadn't done more regrettable things yet.

Presently, she laid in bed, buried under her bedsheets and curtains closed. Her room was dark, engulfing her in darkness despite it only being 2 in the evening. She wasn't on her phone, she wasn't drawing or sketching anything, nor was she reading a book. She was just there, body buried under her blankets as she counted her breaths, reminding her that she still walked the earth.

Although she was wishing she were instead six feet under.

A soft knock came from her door, followed by a gentle female voice.

"Mika? Sweetheart, are you in there?"

Mikasa inhaled slowly, parting her lips to speak, although nothing came out. Maybe it was because her throat was dry, or maybe it was because she didn't fucking care anymore.

A couple moments of silence passed before the door eventually creaked open, despite Mikasa not inviting them in. Footsteps echoed into the room before they stopped in front of where Mikasa lay on her bed, bags heavy under her eyes as her porcelain under eyes were coated red from her nonstop crying the previous night.

"It's me, Petra." The voice spoke. "Are you awake?"

Mikasa gave a subtle nod, her blankets moving as she did so. Petra exhaled before sitting down on the edge of the bed, making sure not to sit on the girl.

"Levi and I are getting worried. You haven't been yourself." Petra spoke softly. "I just wanted to check if you were okay. Do you need anything? Tea? Soup? I'll get it for you." Petra offered.

Mikasa inhaled slowly, counting her breaths before she responded.

"I don't know what to do." She eventually breathed out through her raspy voice. "Just when things were going right for me... they just... weren't again. It's like I'm cursed to be depressed and miserable." She said, hugging herself under her blankets.

"Oh, sweetie, don't say that. Levi and I are always here for you." Petra said softly. "We were thinking of going out to eat tonight, and if you're up for it..." Petra offered.

Mikasa inhaled slowly. "I... I'll think about it."

Petra nodded. "Okay. I'll go downstairs and bring you some tea, you need to be drinking more fluids." The girl advised, tucking her ginger hair behind her ear. "I'll be right back."

She got up from the edge of the bed and her retreating footsteps were heard before the door closed. Mikasa sighed before emerging from her bedsheets, strands of her hair sticking up as she reached for her phone on her nightstand.

There were multiple texts and multiple missed calls from Eren. She pressed on the message notification, unlocking her phone as she viewed the string of text messages.

My Hero 🥵❤️🤟🏻😻
I swear I didn't upload the video.
I would never.
Please believe me.

She read the small message under that group of texts, taking note of the 'send five days ago' under his messages. She then went onto the next string.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now