Chapter 9 [rewritten]

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Chapter 9; Crimson wounds.
Two Days Earlier; Before Mikasa Met Them

Armin Arlert, Historia Reiss, Eren Jeager, and Sasha Braus. None were at the same place, but all were somehow communicating with one another at once through FaceTime. Historia wasn't alone, for beside was a brunette named Ymir, her lover.

They all discussed what they were to do the next day when they hung out and Eren had suddenly remembered to inform his friends that Mikasa had accepted his invite, making all of them turn their attention to Eren and this girl he's been obsessing over.

"Oh, so we finally get to meet this mystery girl, huh?" Armin said, raising a brow.

"Yeah, so you guys can stop asking me questions. And please, don't embarrass me." Eren proclaimed, and he felt himself glare, half mirthfully, half seriously. "I'm looking at you, Historia."

Historia scoffed. "I do not embarrass you!" She pouted.

Eren rose a brow, as if his expression was saying, 'oh really now?' He looked over to the blonde's girlfriend who wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Ymir?" He called, asking for her opinion in the matter.

Ymir nodded. "Babe, I love you and all, but you can be such a mom sometimes. You are kind of embarrassing." Ymir admitted.

Historia pouted, turning away from Ymir. But Ymir smirked, grabbed her chin and turned her to face her, then kissed her cheek. "But I still love you."

Historia hummed in delight. "I love you too." She said, pecking her lips.

"Hey, can you not have sex until after I hang up?" Eren groaned.

Historia scoffed at him again, but this time she was plenty playful.

"So, Mikasa is coming tomorrow?" Sasha asked, shoving a handful of Lay's into her mouth.

"Yup." Eren confirmed.

"Eren, have you told Mikasa yet?" Armin asked, his tone firm.

"Told Mikasa what?"

"About your... past here." He clarified.

Eren sucked in a sharp breath, and his silence after that was answer enough.

"Eren, you have to tell her." Historia suddenly demanded.


"You keep saying that you know, but you never do it! She needs to know before she finds out the... hard way." Sasha butt in.

"Hard way?" Eren rose a brow. "Sash, what are you implying?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Eren, please. Don't hide it. I know that you've been trying to change and you said that you have actual feelings for Mikasa... I just don't want you to revert back to your old self." Sasha added.

"'Revert back to my old self'?!" Eren echoed. "You think I'm not capable of being committed?"

"I never said that! You're putting words in my mouth!" Sasha cried.


"Eren, deep down you both know that you can't deny it. You're playboy attitude has practically become second nature." Historia said.

"And if you want something real with Mikasa, you gonna need to bury those feelings and tell her the truth." Armin piped in as well.

Eren sighed and averted his eyes from his camera lenses.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now