Chapter 18 [rewritten]

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Chapter 18; Breaking Up

Levi Ackerman groaned as he slammed his car door shut, irritation and annoyance bubbling up inside of him. His work shift was finally finished, and he was relieved, for he wasn't sure if he would be able to contain himself any longer.

A normal day at his place of work heavily insisted of kissing up to his superiors so that they would speak highly of him to the big boss, Mr. Ral, and help him in getting promoted. Kissing up to his superiors wouldn't be as troublesome as it is if Nile Dok wasn't a higher rank than him, however, things never seemed to be that easy, did they?

Five hours and 45 minutes he was able to restrain himself from punching that freeloader point-blank in the face. He swore, if he spent ten more seconds there, the security would to be trying to pry him off of Nile's swollen and bruised face.

However, he somehow managed, and now he was in his car shaking with fury.

He eventually let out some of his pent up irritation in a string of muttered curse words before his phone chimed an annoying melodic tone, making him groan as he fished his phone out of his pocket.

Across the screen flashed the three words 'Titan Wall High', making Levi cock a brow, knowing that this was Mikasa's school. With a press of a button, Levi answered the call and brung his handheld up to his ear.

There was silence on the other end until a voice spoke up.

"Hello, this is Titan Wall High School. I'm calling for Levi Ackerman?"

"Yes, this is he." Levi replied, trying to hide his anger through his force professionalism.

"Okay, perfect. I'm Mr. Smith, the principal of this school. I'm calling about Mikasa Ackerman." The voice spoke on the other end, ultimately making Levi's suspicions raise.

"What about her? Is something wrong with my sister?" He asked, tone coated in worry.

"No, nothing of the sort. I'm hear to discuss when she'll be able to return to school." He said.

Levi rose a brow. "What do you mean?"

"You mean she hasn't told you?"

"Told me what?"

There was silence on the other end for a second before a slow inhale was heard, followed by Mr. Smith's hesitant voice.

"Mikasa has been-"
Levi's hand came crashing down on the kitchen counter where Mikasa sat drinking some orange juice. The girl jumped in her seat, freezing where she sat on the stool by the kitchen counter. Petra who was descending the stairs with her purse in her grasp looked to Levi with a wary expression.

"Suspension for a week?!" Levi cried, his eyes narrowing at Mikasa. "Do you know what damage that would do to your record?!"

Mikasa felt herself shake a bit, inhaling slowly to calm her nerves which had jumped at Levi's exclaiming.

"H-How did you find out?" She asked through a trembling voice.

"How did I find out?! More like why didn't I find out from you!" Levi cried. "Coming home from work I get a call from your principal, saying that you and your boyfriend got suspended for uploading an inappropriate video to the school's website." Levi admitted, lifting his hand from where it slammed down on the counter.

"I-I didn't-"

"For fuck's sake, Mikasa, you guys were having sex! You've gotta be more careful about this stuff! You can't sleep with just anyone!" Levi bellowed, making Mikasa's cheeks burn and blood run cold simultaneously. Tears seemed to swim in her eyes nonetheless.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now