Chapter 17 [rewritten]

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Chapter 17; The Video

Ever since the previous night, Mikasa had felt guilty. Usually, every morning she would wake up early to have some time to call or text Eren before the day started, but instead Mikasa found herself completely going against her routine.

She awoke on the living room couch, which was out-of-routine enough, but to add onto that, she ignored the calls she received from Eren. Instead of hurriedly getting ready so that she could call her boyfriend, Mikasa took her time getting ready. And instead of riding to school with Eren in his car, Mikasa let Petra take her to school on her way to work.

So, presently, Mikasa sat in the passenger seat of Petra Ral's vehicle.

The latter stole a few glances of Mikasa, unsure of what to say after what she had told her last night.

"So... do you plan on talking with him?" Petra eventually asked.

Mikasa shrugged. "I... I don't know. I feel guilty because he wanted it, and at the moment, so did I. But then I heard the noises and I... I freak out! What else was I supposed to do? And even though I might want to talk to him... I don't know if he wants to talk to me." Mikasa admitted.

Petra's expression morphed into one of pity. "But it wasn't a fight. From what I understand, when you left he wasn't yelling or mad. He was just sad and disappointed. Talk to him and maybe you two can figure something out." Petra advise as she pulled up to the school.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks Petra." Mikasa said. She picked up her bag from between her feet in the car as she opened the car door. "I'll see you later." She said kind of dejectedly since she wanted to continue spending time with Petra. The two had really gotten close in one night.

"See you." Petra said.

Mikasa exited the car and then closed the door as pulled her backpack strap over her shoulder. She walked forward onto campus, pulling up her black turtleneck in which it covered her not-so pale neck, littered with hickeys. The bitten, flushed blotches of skin on her neck acted as a constant reminder to Mikasa, reminding her about what happened the previous night.

Reminding her that the previous night, she was in the midst of having sex before she ended hers and Eren's endeavor.

"Hey slut!" A voice hollered from across the hallway.

Mikasa looked up to see the face of Annie Leonhardt, making her groan.

'Out of all the people in the goddamn world...' she thought.

Despite being much more confident and not affected by any which word of criticism thrown at her, Mikasa was still bullied. But the bullying had died down, thankfully, because of Eren.

Half the school new about her new relationship with Eren Jeager, and half the school we're either indifferent, agitated, or they couldn't care less.

Annie Leonhardt was number one on the list of those of which that were mad.

"You just never learn, do you?! Always going after guys who you don't deserve!!" Annie declared as she marched up to Mikasa, her clique following.

Everyone in the corridor stared, curious about what was happening, although most of them already knew.

"What are you going on about, Annie?" Mikasa asked, clearly annoyed.

"Oh, that's priceless!" Annie scoffed. "I'm talking about you, the whore who's been going around and sleeping with men willy-nilly. First, in 9th grade, you try to sleep with my boyfriend! Now, you're advancing on the new kid like he's some sort of toy!" Annie bellowed.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now