Chapter 28 [rewritten]

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Chapter 28; With Each Other Forver

They were comfortable staring at each other. With the bliss that filled their senses, how could they not be? They swore that they could've just stayed there, Mikasa perched on the edge of the sink counter, her hands still buried in Eren's hair, Eren's arms around her waist, his eyes staring into hers, their bodies dangerously close to one another's.

They could've stayed there, breathing in time, lips swollen but smiling nonetheless.

They could've.

But they didn't.

Because then a voice came.


Both were slow to react, their movements sluggish as they turned to the doorway to see none other than Eren's mother standing there, fully clad in business attire. Her lips were parted and her eyes were wide in shock as she watched Eren then frantically pull away from Mikasa, making her land on the flooring with an 'oof' before she gained her balance.

Then, her eyes snapped up to meet Eren's mother's eyes.

"What is going on in here?"

Both soon-to-be adults couldn't help the blush that flooded their cheeks as they then averted eye contact with the woman upon them.

"Shit..." Eren muttered, shaking his head before he looked up to his mom again. "U-Uhm, hey mom." He stuttered out.

Mikasa refused to lift her gaze out of pure embarrassment.

"Hey? Uhh, I came to tell you that I had to go to work... but what's going on in here?" She asked again.

Eren cleated his throat, laughing dryly and more out of embarrassment than amusement. "You see, funny story actually."

"I'm not laughing." She sternly said.

"R-Right, yeah, but basically Mikasa came over to check up on me from yesterday. She even helped patch me up," he said, lifting his half-wrapped hands. "Well, sorta."

His mom cocked a brow at him. "Eren-"

"I-I'm sorry, Mrs. Jeager." Mikasa began, tripping over her words. "I just came here to check up on Eren, but I'll be leaving now." She was so red, so goddamn red.

With a muttered 'goodbye', she awkwardly shuffled out of the bathroom, eyes glued to the floor to keep her red blush from being spotted. She quickly slipped on her shoes before making her way outside, exhaling a breath as she made her way back to her house.

Finally, when she was inside, she stood there and sighed the heels of her palms into her eyes.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck." She shook her head out of embarrassment. She was so hot, her hair could light on fire.

"Whoa, what's with all the profanities girl?" Sasha's voice came.

Mikasa lifted her head to meet Sasha's worried gaze, then exhaled. "Eren and I... it's... we made up." She stammered, gaze lowering to floor. 'More like made out.' Came an unbidden thought right after she spoke.

"That's great! Is it not?" Sasha asked, confused with Mikasa's flustered state.

"Y-Yeah but... his mom walked in on us." She said, stomach twisting uncomfortably as she admitted this. Sasha cocked a brow, stepping closer to Mikasa.

"Walked in on you... doing what?" Sasha asked, a light teasing lilt to her tone. Mikasa's eyes went wide as she looked up to Sasha again, noticing the light smirk playing on her lips. "Mikasa, did you and Eren do more than just talk?" She drawled teasingly.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now