Chapter 6 [rewritten]

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Chapter 6; Picnic

Mikasa sat on the red pleated blanket sprawled across the grass, knees up to her chest and her arms around her legs to keep herself in a little ball shape. Eren set down a basket in between them when he returned from his car and he sat down beside Mikasa. He opened the basket as Mikasa kicked her feet out, stretching her limbs.

She looked over at Eren, watching as he took out the foot from the basket. There was a bowl of cherries and a plate with sandwiches and to top it off, two cans of soda. Mikasa stared, amazed at what she viewing.

"Sorry, this was my first time cooking like this... if you could even call this cooking." Eren muttered. Mikasa shook her head slowly, smiling.

"No, no... it's nice." She said, preoccupied by looking at the food she was already drooling over.

She watched Eren pick up a sandwich and assumed that it would okay for her to grab her own, so she picked up the other. Eren turned to her quickly, eyes widened.

"Are you allergic to anything?" He asked. Mikasa blinked as she thought for a moment before she shook her head.


Eren sighed in relief. "Thank god."

The two then began to eat their food in a comfortable silence, watching the little action that happened around them. Mikasa tilted her head upwards, inhaling the fresh air as she looked at the baby blue sky with squinted eyes.

"How'd you find this place?" Mikasa asked.

She and Eren were at Mikasa's special spot and since she rarely saw people there, she wondered as to how Eren found this place.

"First day I arrived I decided to walk around a bit. Explore the place, if you will. I found this place and it's honestly pretty perfect." He admitted.

Mikasa nodding, taking another bite of her sandwich. "I agree."

There was silence again and Mikasa finished her sandwich, now picking up the soda. She took a few long gulps before she turned to Eren, seeing him just now finish his sandwich. Mikasa giggled upon looking at him, making Eren turn to her curiously.

"What?" He asked.

Mikasa pointed to the edge of her own lips as if they were his. "You have some sauce on your lips."

"Oh." Eren mumbled.

He reached to wipe his sauce, but when Mikasa saw that there was still some left she reached down a grabbed a napkin. Leaning over to him, Mikasa used the napkin to wipe the remaining sauce off of Eren's face. The brunet blushed upon noticing how close the two were, but Mikasa didn't seem to notice.

"There," Mikasa said once she finished, "all done."

It was now when Mikasa noticed how close the two were making her blush and lean back. Eren cleared his throat, ready to start up conversation.

"Hey, Mikasa," he began, making Mikasa turn to him to give him her undivided attention, "why do you always wear those gloves?" He asked, pointing to her gloves.

Mikasa stiffened at his question and felt all bliss from before vanish. "Oh... it's nothing. I just like to wear it as a fashion choice." She said.

Eren hummed in response, accepting her answer. Mikasa then turned to him, ready to ask her own question.

"What were you like at your old school?" She asked. It was now Eren's turn to stiffen at her question.

"O-oh, uh... I'm not really sure. I wouldn't exactly say that I was popular but... people did call me a 'ladies man' from time to time." He admitted.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now