Chapter 26 [rewritten]

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Chapter 26; Her Mental Levee

Warning: This chapter handles the mention of suicide. Reader's discretion advised.

Mikasa's eyelids fluttered open as she exhaled an exasperated sigh.

There was no way she could sleep like this. Not while she didn't know how Eren was doing.

After the ambulance had arrived, Mikasa insisted on going with Eren to the hospital but Sasha protested. She said that Mikasa couldn't go to the hospital with Eren, since she was still shaken up with what Jean had done to her. And as much as Mikasa hated to admit it, Sasha was right.

Hell, even now, Mikasa's thoughts were plagued by when Jean had her pinned up helplessly against that wall, making her shiver and tense up.

So Mikasa let Eren go to the hospital with only Armin as Connie took Sasha and Mikasa home. On the way home, Sasha's obvious worry for Mikasa was evident in the way she kept glancing back at her in the passenger seat.

Then, when they were halfway to her house, Mikasa's phone chimed. She viewed the notification which resulted in her mood souring, and when Sasha asked her what the matter was she discovered that Mikasa's brother had texted her that he wouldn't be home until the next day in the afternoon. And since Petra had yet to live with them, Mikasa would be alone for the night.

The last thing she wanted was to be alone...

Sasha knew this, and before she knew it she was offering to spend the night at Mikasa's place. The girl agreed and when they got home Mikasa gave Sasha some more comfortable clothes. The two talked the night away, about both random subjects and a bit more sensitive topics.

And it was then when Mikasa realized that she knew nothing about Sasha since the only time the two had spoken with each other, Mikasa was drunk.

But Sasha eventually passed out on the living room couch, leaving Mikasa alone to try and sleep in spite of the horrid thoughts invading her mind. She had been tossing and turning around on the living room couch across from Sasha for nearly an hour, shifting restlessly as if the movement would calm her.

With a sigh, Mikasa laid down on her back and stared up at the dark ceiling, only barely being able to spot the ceiling fan in the dark.

Every time she closed her eyes, she would only see Jean again.

She could almost cry, because she was just so tried but so restless at the same time.

She felt like she was going insane.

She shook her head.

She was going insane.

With a sigh, Mikasa threw her blanket off her body and swung her legs over the edge of the couch. She stood up, head throbbing as she sluggishly made her way to the bathroom.

When she entered the bathroom, she looked at her reflection only to see how blurry her vision was.

She blinked, then opened her eyelids.

Nope. Still blurry.

She shook her head, rubbing her eyes when she felt her forefingers come out moist.

'Ah, so that's why my vision is blurry.' She thought once she felt the wetness in her eyes, looking at her reflection once more. 'Because I'm crying.'

She didn't even know she was crying. She just felt so numb.

She sighed for the umpteenth time, opening the mirror cabinet and reaching for night pills to help her fall sleep.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now