Chapter 32 [rewritten]

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A/N: okay quick authors note here in the beginning. So originally I was going to include the dinner scene but the I realized that it was just a bunch of boring dialogue so I decided to skip it. Sorry if you were really looking forward to that scene, I just didn't want to write it that much. If you really want me to write it tho and I get bombarded with requests then maybe I'll reconsider.

Chapter 32; Everything's Perfect

"Thank you for having us over, Carla," Levi said. During their dinner, he had managed to drop the formalities and get a little more comfortable around Carla. He also learned the truth about the video—that Eren was never the one who posted the video and that it was actually some random student who sent the video to Annie and Hitch.

After hearing the truth and enjoying a wonderful mean prepared by Carla and Eren, Levi came to the conclusion that he needed to go down to Mikasa's school. So he and Carla made a plan; go to Mikasa and Eren's school tomorrow, talk to the principal and try to figure everything out.

"Tomorrow at 11?" Levi asked for confirmation he was led towards the door.

Carla nodded. "Yup, at 11am," she says. She turns towards the stairwell, then hollers, "Eren!"

The sounds they heard next were footsteps, feminine giggling, then a door swinging open. "Yeah mom?" Eren's voice hailed out.

"It's time for Mikasa to leave!" She called back.

Eren turned to Mikasa who sat on his bed in his room, nodding towards the stairwell. During the midst of dinner Carla requested to speak with Levi privately, sending the two teens upstairs, although she told Eren to keep his door open. Not that he listened anyways—he shut the door the minute he found himself peppering kisses along Mikasa's neck.

But now it was time for her to leave, and Mikasa slowly rose off of Eren's bed and passed him a flirtatious wink before skipping down the stairs. Eren followed behind her, the nape of his neck burning up as color rose to his face.

They were just in the midst of making out—how did Mikasa seem to level?

"Thank you for the dinner, Mrs. Jeager. It was delicious," Mikasa said with a smile.

"Anytime, Mikasa. Know that you are always welcomed back in this house," Carla said through her smirk. Mikasa flushed bright red—imagining all the other things that might transpire if she were in Eren's room again, alone.

"We'll be on our way now," Levi said, slipping his shoes on. Mikasa walked towards the door, stepping into her sandals and opening the door.

"Of course. Take care," Carla said as they stepped outside, offering them once last wave before the door shut.

Carla turned to Eren and he swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing when he saw his mothers mischievous smirk.

"I hope you two didn't do anything when you closed your door even though I told you to keep it open," Carla suggested with a cocked brow.

"O-Of course not," Eren said, shaking his head. His face was turning warm and Carla tittered.

"Go to bed," she said with a smirk. "You've got school tomorrow."

Eren nodded, forcing out a smile that wavered on his lips. "O-Okay. Goodnight, Mom."

"Night, Eren," Carla replied, walking into the kitchen. Eren exhaled in relief as he slowly mounted the stairs and went back to his bedroom.

At the Ackerman household, Mikasa was doing the same—mounting the stairs to go to her room—when Levi called out to her. She paused mid-step and turned to face her brother, grabbing onto the railing so that she didn't lose her balance.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now