Chapter 10 [rewritten]

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Chapter 10; The Question

Mikasa awoke to her skin being tickled by a warm breath, her eyelids peeling open. She viewed her surroundings, finding herself laid upon the living room couch in a house that wasn't hers, but Eren's.

She jolted up in surprise.

Eren slept across from her, his face so close that she could smell his breath through his nose. She jumped up, blushing madly as she stood on the carpet flooring.

Eren stirred beside her with a groan, prompting himself up on his elbow as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked around and when he saw Mikasa he simply smiled, as if he expected for her to be there.

"You slept like a rock." He said, swinging his legs off the edge of the couch. He leaned forward to the coffee table and picked up two plates and two mugs before getting up and shuffling to the kitchen.

Upon seeing the plates, memories from the previous night (or morning) flooded back into Mikasa's mind, reminding her what had happened. Eren had made her a sandwich, the one he had made for her last time, and some hot chocolate. They stayed up late, taking and eating when Mikasa eventually let her exhaustion overcome her and fell asleep.

She hadn't remembered what she said to Eren which worried her, and she wondered if she accidentally spilled out the truth.

The truth about who had cut her, which was herself.

Mikasa lifted her left arm and brought her right hand up to rub her cuts, something she instinctively did when she grew nervous or anxious, but then she felt the bandage, reminding her that Eren had also tended to her wounds.

Then, she paused to wonder.

'If he really was trying to play me... why would he be so kind?' She pondered, turning to him. 'It's as if he really wants to be my friend.'

Eren approached her, his eyes flickering to the clock on the wall to see the time.

"If you want to get ready for school on time, I suggest you hurry up." He said. Mikasa turned to the clock as well, reading the time.

He was right, she needed to get ready for school, meaning that she needed to leave now.

"Right." She said.

Eren smiled. "I can walk you over to your home."

Mikasa smiled back genuinely. "I'd like that."

They left Eren's home, but the minute the stepped out the door Mikasa could see a cop car in her driveway, as well as two cops at her front door.

She gulped, immediately thinking back to the time when her brother and her came home to find their parents dead. A lump formed in her throat and she dashed forward, sprinting past Eren and to the front door to see Levi, much to her relief.

Relief flooded over her and she then stared at the cops with a cocked brow, wondering why they were here.

"Levi, is something the matter?" She asked, although her tone was shaken since her fear from before hadn't fully vanished yet. Upon hearing his sister's voice Levi spun around and saw his sister. He ran up to her, both concern and relief in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I thought something terrible happened to you." He whispered as he shook. Mikasa hugged him back, something they rarely do, and slowly his trembling subsided.

"So, now that you're sister is safe, are we allowed to leave? Or is something else the matter?" One of the policemen asked.

Levi shook his head and looked at them. "No, no. We're fine now. Thank you." He said.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now