Chapter 4 [rewritten]

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Chapter 4; You saved me

Eren sat upon his bed, playing a game on his PS4. He had a headset on as he spoke with his friends on the other side. He could hear one of his friends—Armin—speaking, but a thought niggled Eren's mind and he just couldn't seem to focus.

"Eren, you just got us all killed!" Armin cried.

"Aw, what the hell man!" Another voice, Connie, exclaimed.

Eren snapped back to reality, sighing. "Sorry guys, something's just on my mind."

Armin hummed. "What is it? You haven't really told us much about what's been happening at you new school."

Eren shrugged, but then he remembered that they couldn't see him. "It's as exciting as school can be. So, it's pretty boring."

"You meet anyone over there?" Connie asked.

"Just this one girl. Her name's Mikasa."

"Ooh, a girl?" Connie teased. Eren rolled his eyes.

"Ha-ha." Eren laughed sarcastically. Eren sighed, now leaning back into his bed. He stayed silent for a moment as he thought about Mikasa again.

'Why was she mad yesterday? What happened? Did I do something?'

"Guys, I think I'm gonna go." Eren proclaimed.

Armin huffed, "Alright, see you later."

Eren nodded. "See ya."

He turned off his playstation and then turned to his bedroom window which faced Mikasa's house. He pondered for a moment before he sat up, an idea popping in his head.

He could just go talk to her.

Eren decided not to throw on a jacket and just leave the house with a loose shirt and some joggers. He slipped on some sneakers, tying them quickly.

"Eren, where are you going?" He heard his mother call out to him. He turned around, seeing her in a black pencil skirt with a white button up, her work clothes for her business.

"Oh, just going out to see someone." He admitted as he slipped his phone into his pocket. She raised a brow, a smile tugging at her lips.

"A girl?" She teased with a smirk. Eren smiled.


"Your girlfriend?"

Eren shook his head with a chuckle. He and his mother had gotten close ever since his father moved to a different state temporarily for work.

"I'll be back soon." Eren said.

His mother smiled. "Alright."

Eren left the house, locking it behind him.

'It's a school night so she must be home right now.' He thought. He walked over to her house, ringing the doorbell.

No response.

He rung again.

Silence again.

The door swung open when he prepared to ring a third time and a male stood on the other side. He had black hair, like Mikasa, and a youthful face. His hair was in an undercut and he was shorter than Eren... a lot shorter.

"Yes?" His tone was low.

"Oh, I'm looking for Mikasa. Is she home?" Eren asked.

The man narrowed his eyes at him, his grip tightening on the doorknob. Eren noticed this; noticed how suddenly defensive he became. "Who are you?"

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now