Chapter 23 [rewritten]

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Chapter 23; Her Date With Jean

Mikasa stared at her reflection and tilted her head at her outfit.

The short, blue skirt, the white blouse tucked into it, the red bra visible through her thin top, the white converse, it all felt wrong.

This wasn't who she was.

She didn't like dressing sultry like this. But maybe Jean would like it, she kept telling herself.

With a sigh, Mikasa reached behind her head and pulled her black hair out of its ponytail. Her ebony locks fell freely past her shoulders and Mikasa shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair, running her fingers lazily through the tangles.

'So... today's Friday. Today's my date with Jean.' Mikasa thought.

She knew most girls, teenagers especially (which was what she was), would be ecstatic about going out on a date. But Mikasa couldn't feel more indifferent.

She knew she should've taken her reaction as a sign that maybe this date wasn't right for her, but she kept ignoring the obvious signs.

'It's to get over Eren.' Mikasa thought, sighing externally.

When Mikasa's phone buzzed, she turned around the viewed the message from Jean: I'm here.

Mikasa quickly typed out an 'okay', grabbing her purse and walking downstairs. She luckily avoided Levi in the kitchen, not knowing (and not wanting to know) how much of a big deal he'd make out of her provocative clothing.

She slowly opened the front door, then shut it behind her once she left the house. A dark blue car was sitting there in the middle of the street in front of her house and Jean was in the driver's seat, telling Mikasa which car to go to.

She quickly ran down the steps leading to her front door, hopping into the passenger seat.

Jean looked at Mikasa, smiling when he saw the outfit she wore.

"Hey." He greeted the girl, putting the car into drive.

Hi." Mikasa greeted back, smiling as she buckled up.

Jean drove forward, the two riding in silence that was neither comfortable or unsettling.

It was just... silent.

But soon enough, the two arrived at a restaurant. Jean exhaled once they pulled into a parking space, turning off the ignition and unbuckling his seatbelt. He exited the car and Mikasa followed right after him, following him up the steps to the restaurant.

"I like your skirt, by the way." Jean said, glad that he had managed to break the silence that stretched between them for far longer than it should've.

Mikasa took a moment to process his words, forcing a smile as she slowly nodded her head to accept the compliment.

'Show more enthusiasm, dammit!' A voice screamed at her in her head.

She had yet the oblige.

When Jean approached the person who's to seat the two, he immediately spoke up.

"I'm here to join Connie's table." Jean said. "I'm Jean." He quickly added.

The waiter nodded in understanding, leading the two to a table already seating two people.

"Right this way."

Mikasa followed Jean, shifting uncomfortably in the clothing she wore. When they reached the table, her silver eyes locked with a familiar set of light brown ones.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now