Chapter 36 [rewritten]

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A.N: I'm baaack :)
Also, quick heads up; this chapter is the longest one yet, ranging a good solid 4k words, so just prepare yourself for this. Emotionally.

p.s. i cried writing this chapter.

Chapter 36; Preparations

"You should know that what you're doing isn't easy," Petra said to Mikasa. She rubbed a soothing hand on Mikasa's back with a reassuring smile.

Mikasa exhaled a breath that had her chest shuddering. "I know," she murmured back.

"And you're sure you want to do this?" Levi asked.

Mikasa nodded. "I..." But then her voice trailed off and she turned to the boy beside her—Eren. He stood with his brown hair its usual unruly mess, although his clothing was much better than what he usually wore—being more fancy. He gave her an encouraging nod and she smiled weakly as him, using her hand to hold his much bigger and somewhat tanner one. "We're sure."

"Okay. So, you're going to go in there and the lawyer wants to talk with you two privately. Just answer all of his questions and you should be fine," Mrs. Jeager, who stood behind Mikasa and Eren, said.

Mikasa nodded. "Okay." She took a nervous step forward, Eren trailing behind her as they stepped into the office. There, in the middle of the large room, was a wooden desk, and sitting at the desk with a man in a sleek, grey suit.

"Ah, Mikasa Ackerman and Eren Jeager, I presume," he said, voice deep. "Come in and take a seat. I'm just going to ask you guys a few question."

Mikasa nodded, unable to form any coherent words as she stepped forward again. When she and Eren sat in the chairs, Eren had to let go of her hand, and Mikasa frowned at the loss of contact.

"My name is Miche Zacharius, and you can call me Mr. Zacharius," he said, opening one of his desk drawers. He pulled out a file and placed it atop his desk before he took out a notepad and a pen. Then, he took out a document before he looked at Mikasa.

"I need you two to sign here. I know you guardians already did, but this is just for extra precaution," he said, sliding the document and the pen over to Mikasa and Eren's side of the table.

"Alright," Eren murmured, picking up the pen and signing on the dotted line. He gave the paper to Mikasa and she stared at the document before she eventually signed as well.

"Okay," the man said, taking back the pen and document, "I want you guys to tell me what happened. Then, from there, we can discuss further details. Also," he clicked his pen and opened the notepad to an empty page, "I will be recording this. Just so you know."

Mikasa nodded slowly, inhaling slowly and releasing that very same breath with a shudder. Her heart was racing incredibly fast and her tongue worked uselessly in her mouth, her lips moving wordless around phrases that she just couldn't say.

"It's okay," Mr. Zacharius said, eyeing Mikasa with a cocked brow. "Take your time."

Mikasa nodded slowly, closing her lips to swallow thickly as she lowered her eyes to the floor.

'Think, Mika. What do you want to say?' She wondered. She forced herself to think back to when everything first happened which has her inevitably reminiscing on when she first say the video and had a panic attack at her high school during lunch.

She swallowed hard, screwing her shut as she tried to block out the negative emotions that came with those memories, but they just kept flooding back to her.

But then, through her mental turmoil, she felt a warm hand enclose around hers. Her eyes popped open and when she looked down, she saw Eren holding her hand beneath the table where Miche couldn't see, and he gave her an encouraging nod.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now