Chapter 5 [rewritten]

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Chapter 5; You Owe Me

Mikasa sat on a bench in the school's quad, reading the book she held in her hands. Since he needed to go to an interview, Levi dropped Mikasa off at school early, making her arrive early. And mikasa had to admit to herself that being at school this early was quite alien to her, but she did enjoy it. The soft sounds of footsteps as the students slowly entered campus, how quiet it was, it was all so likable to the girl.

Man, what she would give to have a day at school filled with peace and quiet, devoid of Annie's bullying.

When the footsteps became louder, Mikasa noticed that more people had began to pour in. She stood up, picking up her binder that was placed on her lap in the process. She stuck a bookmark at the page of the book she was at before closing the book.

Looking back up, Mikasa hoped to see Eren. When the brunet boy with unmistakable emerald eyes wasn't anywhere in her line of sight, Mikasa sighed and turned around to find a place where Annie wouldn't find her to bully her.

Mikasa jumped slightly when in front of her was the brunet she had been searching for She smiled and looked up to see that the boy was smiling back at her.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Hi." Mikasa replied.

Eren turned, walking ahead of Mikasa and nodding in a way that told her to come with. She understood, following quickly behind him.

"I've been meaning to ask... there was a guy at your house the other day. Is that your dad?" Eren asked.

Mikasa exhaled slowly, shaking her head. "No, that's my brother, Levi." She answered.

Eren nodded in response. "What's your dad like?" He asked. Mikasa stiffened at his question, her legs freezing under her for a second before she walked again.

"He was a nice. He was super extroverted and I don't think there was a time in his life where he wasn't smiling or trying to lighten up a negative mood." She said.

Eren rose a questioning brow at her wording. "Was?"

Mikasa nodded. "Both of my parents... they died when I was younger. A break-in when my brother and I were at our aunt's and when we came back... they were..." Mikasa paused, taking in a couple deep breaths.

Eren placed at hand on her shoulder sympathetically and Mikasa looked up to see worry written all over his features. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know." He apologized. Mikasa shook her head.

"It's okay, you couldn't've known. And plus, if we're friends then it's better that you find out about this sooner than later... I guess." Mikasa muttered.

Eren didn't stop feeling guilty for asking his question, but he didn't show it. Instead, he smiled, nodded, and then agreed with her. "Right."

There was silence again but then Eren spoke up. "Oh right, since I saved you last night, want to go out today? Since you owe me." Eren said.

Mikasa blinked, surprised that Eren already wanted to meet outside of school. But she nodded nonetheless, already feeling herself get excited about what they could possibly be doing. But then she blinked, gulped, and stopped walking.

Then she wondered if this would be like Reiner's party?

Eren noticed that she stopped walking and he stopped as well, looking back to her. When he saw the sudden fear in her face his eyes widened in realization.

"It won't be like last time!" He blurted out.

Mikasa stared at him, surprised at how he rose his voice. It was as if he truly wanted to reassure her that he wanted only for them to have a good time with no ulterior motives. But then, Mikasa nodded.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now