Chapter 29 [rewritten]

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Chapter 29; Back Together Again

The next day, Petra was the last to awaken. First, it was Levi, then Mikasa, and now it's Petra.

The ginger awoke to a throbbing headache, and although it did hurt, she could still manage. Like how she managed to drag herself out of bed, still in her clothing from yesterday, and how she managed to drag herself to the kitchen.

Mikasa was already in the kitchen when Petra had woken up, munching on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and she watched, amused, as Petra guided herself through the kitchen almost as if she were in a haze. It's almost hilarious, the way her eyes were half-lidded, and how she had to hold her hands out to keep from crashing into anything.

Mikasa snorted. "You okay there, Petra?"

Petra turned to Mikasa who sat on a stool by the kitchen island, the throbbing in her head going down.

"I'm... I think I have a hangover." She admitted.

Mikasa snickered, eating the last of her sandwich and hopping to her feet. "Go sit down and I'll cook up some oatmeal for you." She said, and Petra moaned and licked her lips at the mention of oatmeal.

"Yes, please." She said, without protest, and immediately plopped down on the stool where Mikasa was sitting. She rested her head in her arms, listening to the distinct sound of Mikasa humming as she poured some dried oats into a bowl.

Nearly 10 minutes later, the doorbell ring, and Mikasa rushed to shove the bowl into the microwave before she shuffled over to the front door and swung it open. On the other side stood Eren, looking like he had just gotten out of bed despite it being noon.

"I'm here." He said, yawning, "like you asked."

Mikasa smiled, opening the door wider. "Good. I want to talk to you about what you said over the phone." She said.

Eren nodded, the memory of last night coming back when he and Mikasa stayed up late speaking on the phone.

"Right, right. About Hitch." He said, inviting himself inside.

Mikasa nodded. "Yeah. I'm making some food for Petra right now, so just sit down on the couch. I'll be done in a bit." She said, walking towards the kitchen as Eren followed suit.

"Who's at the door?" Petra groggily called out, head still buried in her arms.

Mikasa and Eren exchanged a quick look of worry, but Mikasa quickly cleared and throat and said, "just some guy selling stuff."

"Mmm, okay." Petra said, her voice already trailing off as she felt herself doze off.

Mikasa and Eren exchanged another look again, this time, both smiling as Mikasa lightly tittered. Oh the thrill she felt sneaking a boy over, even if that boy was Eren.

The sound of the microwave beeping filled the room, and Mikasa passed Eren a look that told him to wait a minute as she rushed back to the microwave. She pulled out the bowl, hasty to spend some time with Eren, but forgot about how hot the bowl would be and instantly burned herself.

She let out a hiss of pain and instantly retracted her hand, the glass bowl landing back in the microwave with a clink. Petra looked up immediately, and Eren froze, instantly backing away as Mikasa mouthed 'go, go upstairs.' He obliged, and before Petra could look behind her, he was gone.

Petra looked back to Mikasa. "Oh, sweetie, that looks like a nasty burn." She said, standing up form where she sat and swaying as she walked over to Mikasa. "Here, I'll finish up the oatmeal. You go upstairs and ice that burn."

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now