Chapter 16* [rewritten]

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Chapter 16; *Click*

Contains lemon/smut. Beware.

'Holy shit. I'm going to lose my virginity.' Is all that seemed to cross Mikasa's train of thought during their current situation.

Well, it was all that seemed to cross her mind until Eren had rubbed a finger against Mikasa clitoris simply to see how she'd react—to see which methods she'd take pleasure from—which broke her train of thought. She felt her face scrunch up from the cold from his fingertips before her mouth fell open with a gasp.

Closing her eyes, Mikasa felt Eren draw circles along her clit. She bit back a moan or two, but when Eren then inserted his finger, everything froze.

She hadn't any time to adjust before Eren had began to move his finger around.

Mikasa let out the moans she had been holding back oh-so desperately, and they all seemed to pour out as one loud, prolonged cry. Eren felt his trousers get tight near his groin area upon witnessing Mikasa's reaction, and he quickly added another finger to join his first.

He swore he saw her leg quake a bit.

"E-Eren." Mikasa breathed out his name before he silenced her with his own lips.

She moaned into his mouth, making him groan back almost as if he were trying to reciprocate her noises in a huskier manner.

"Shh," Eren shushed her as he broke their kiss, moving his fingers around within her almost rhythmically. "We don't want my mom to hear."

Mikasa nodded, although she whimpered as she tried to hold back her desperate moans.

Oh, how she wanted to scream and cry his name out in ecstasy.

Eren lowered his lips to her neck, suckling on her skin and biting at it. Leaving a trail of purple and red behind, Eren eventually raised his head to view Mikasa in all her glory.

Every curve and lump and scar screamed utmost perfection to him and he questioned how he managed to end up so lucky with this angel in his bed.

The tightness in his pants was beginning to shout at him to also pleasure himself and despite his efforts to ignore the demands his body made towards him, Eren found himself removing his two fingers from Mikasa's vagina, leaving a panting Mikasa underneath him as he slipped his pants and boxers off in one swift movement.

One moment, Mikasa was staring at his black pants, the next, she could see his sizable shaft in all its form.

The fact alone that she had given him a boner was enough to make her turn impossibly redder.

But then, a question came across the girl's mind.

How on earth was that thing going to fit inside of her?

Feeling uncertainty and apprehensiveness overcome her already, Mikasa swallowed hard and looked up at Eren worriedly. But his face alone was enough to melt her insecurities away and she soon found herself opening her legs up to him as a silent invitation.

Eren obliged immediately, moving closer to Mikasa as he held his girth in his hand, positioning it in which his tip made slight contact with Mikasa's vulva.

She felt her head spin at the contact.

If she was already going crazy just from that small amount of contact, boy was she unprepared for what was next.

Eren slipped his length inside of her with ease regarding the fact that she was already sopping wet.

"Oh, fuck." Eren groaned. He watched Mikasa, patiently waiting for her to becoming comfortable before he had begun to move again.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now