Chapter 8 [rewritten]

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Chapter 8; The Player

Mikasa slowly entered her school campus, hugging her binder close to her body with her head lowered. As Mikasa shuffled to her lockers, keeping close to the walls to avoid the cliques in the hallways, she couldn't help but think about Eren. After what Historia told her, Mikasa felt anxious and wary. She kept wondering if Eren was setting her up, and she kept thinking that it'd be best to avoid him, but she simply couldn't.

Was she an idiot because of that?

Mikasa bumped into something solid, and her binder fell to the floor. Her instinctual thought was that she might've bumped into Annie, but when she failed to smell perfume, she thought she bumped into a wall from how tough thing she bumped into was. She felt her nose pulsate and she rubbed it, kneeling down to grab her binder.

Then, she felt something—no, not something, someone—squeeze her butt. She turned around, looking to see who the culprit was to see a male, although she couldn't quite clearly see his face. The light behind him shone so brightly down onto Mikasa that she couldn't see anything but his brown hair.

"Did you just-"

"Oh, sorry. It's just," the male leaned closer to her in which Mikasa could feel his breath by her ear. "It's real tight."

After he spoke, he leaned back and went to the group of males behind him, giving one of them a high-five.

"How'd it feel, man?" One of them asked.

"Juicy like a tomato, and so tight." The guy replied.

At that, the males all cheered and whooped for him and Mikasa felt herself grow self-conscious.

The male who had just harassed her finally turned and and the light around them dimmed. The males from before—in fact, everyone who previously stood in the corridor, vaporized into a cloud of smoke, vanishing. The setting Mikasa was in vanished too, the corridor she was in turned into the black cloud and Mikasa felt as if she was in a dark void.

No floor beneath her feet, no ceiling above her head. She was just there, crisscrossed with her hands in front of her chest.

The male upon her smirked, and Mikasa decided to finally look at his face. She saw emerald irises that she instantly recognized, and she identified this man as the only one she could call a friend.

"E-Eren? Why'd you do that?" She questioned.

Eren smirked, crossing his arms. His irises flashed a shade darker and there was a certain look in them that made Mikasa's breath hitch.

"Do what? Squeeze your ass?" Eren asked, mischief flashing through his eyes.

Mikasa turned red at the way he worded it, but nodded nonetheless. Upon seeing her shakily nod her head, Eren chuckles and threw his head back with his chortle, and Mikasa could feel the malice seeping from his laugh.

"I just had to try it out. Ya'know, I talked to your ex, the one who broke up yours and Annie's friendship, and he kept telling me stories about how magnificent your body was that I just had to see for myself. And the bastard was right, you've got a sweet ass there, Mikasa." Eren said.

Mikasa felt tears swim in her eyes and when she tried to blink them away, the tears that once threatened to fall began pouring from her eyes as if she were a faucet. Eren's malicious chuckle bounce off the nonexistent walls surrounding them as his voice echoed throughout the void.

"I see my reputation proceeds me." He claimed.

Mikasa looked up at him with teary eyes, her vision blurred by the few tears that still made habitat in her eyes.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now