Chapter 11 [rewritten]

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Chapter 11; Asked Out

Eren hadn't known how hurt he would be until he heard Mikasa's answer. To think that she'd injure herself because of a nightmare about him. What could he have possibly done?

"M-Me?" He rose a finger and pointed to the male in question.

Mikasa nodded sheepishly, biting the inside of her cheeks. "Yes." Her voice was nearly inaudible.

"What was it about?"

Mikasa inhaled slowly and despite not being entirely ready to tell him what her dream was about, she knew he had a right to know.

"You... touched my ass. You groped it." She admitted in disgust. "And when I asked you why, you just laughed at me. You said that you talked to my ex about me and how you had to 'try me out'. And you just said that a player never changes and then you called me a sl-"

Eren wrapped his arms around Mikasa, cutting her sentence short. She hadn't noticed that tears swam in her eyes until they had already began to fall, making her tremble. She wrapped her arms around Eren, not knowing how much she needed to be embraced until he did it.

"Don't say it." He warned. "I called a lot of girls that and I regret it. But don't you ever," he separated their hug and looked deep into her silver irises, nearly getting lost in them. "Ever, call yourself a slut."

Upon hearing the words that constantly drove her insane spill from Eren's lips, Mikasa broke down right then in there in the passenger seat of his car. She let her tears fall with restriction, not giving a damn about whether she looked pretty or not.

"Wh-why-" she regained her composure and forced her sobbing to subside before she continued, "why do you care about me so much?" She asked.

She shook violently and Eren embraced her again, feeling her trembling continue. "Because." He whispered soothingly.

"B-B-Because of what?" She asked, breathing rapidly as she tried to catch her breath.

Eren inhaled slowly and Mikasa leaned her head against his chest, his heartbeat slowly, but surely, soothing her.

"Because I love you." He whispered into her hair.

Mikasa inhaled slowly and looked up at him, her chin resting on his firm chest.

"R-R-Really?" She asked as a blush came over her cheeks.

Eren nodded, smiling warmly at her. "Would I lie to you?" He asked, using his right hand to stroke her ebony hair. Mikasa exhaled slowly with her lips parted, his touch sending shivers down her spine.

"Th-That's not a thing that f-friends do, isn't it?" She asked, although her question was rhetorical.

Eren shook his head anyway, and answered nonetheless. "No, it's not."

Mikasa sucked in her bottom lip and it got caught between her teeth. Her blush deepened in color the longer they stayed the position they were currently in; Mikasa with her head pressed up against Eren's chest as he embraced her and stroked her hair.

Eren blushed as well, although his wasn't as prominent as Mikasa's. The three words rolled off his tongue so casually since he was used to saying it to girls at his old school to use their body, only to dispose of them later. Despite the fact that now, those words meant true, he still wasn't entirely affected by them.

Because of what he did, so many girls suffered from heartache, but he wasn't proud of it. He wished he could change his past, but he can't.

Now, all he could do was have a fresh start.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now