Chapter 22 [rewritten]

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Chapter 22; Asking her Out

To say that these past few weeks were the most Jean had ever pondered over one thought in his life wouldn't be an exaggeration.

During class, he found himself zoning out and wondering if wether he had feelings for Mikasa or not, think about her all the whilst.

Thinking about her beautifully pale skin and how it might feel under his fingertips. How soft her pink lips would be pressed against his, and how they'd slightly part as she moaned out his name.

So yeah... he had been thinking about her a lot.

Even now, as Jean sat across from the girl, it was all he could think about.

The two had bumped into each other at the mall, and one conversation led to another until they were eventually shopping together. Mikasa's stomach growled when they were in a store, Jean noticed, and now the two were seated at the food court eating frozen yogurt.

Jean still pondered Connie's words, still not having a reason as to why he kept on using every opportunity he got to talk with Mikasa. However, Mikasa knew her own reasons.

It's because he's from another school.

It's because he doesn't know that much about her.

It's because maybe they could start a fresh friendship together.

Although, her trust issues still remained. Now more than ever after Eren.

Mikasa's eyes wandered around the food court before they landed on a pair of familiar green eyes, making her stiffen.

Was it... Eren? Was it possible that everywhere she went, every time she thought about him, he was there?

However, before she could ponder any longer, she immediately jolted from her train of thought at the feeling of a cold substance sliding down her chest. Her gaze drifted downwards to look at the offending strawberry frozen yogurt slowly slide to the cleft of her cleavage.

In her current situation, any normal person would've grabbed a napkin am wiped the pink slush away.

However, Mikasa was supposedly raised in a zoo where they don't teach table manners.

Because opposed to doing what a smart, rational person would do, she instead scooped the mess up with a dainty swipe of her forefinger and popped the digit into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around where the strawberry goodness could be found before she ultimately made eye contact with the teenage boy sitting across from her.

He stared at her, bug-eyed and face flushed as Mikasa slowly pulled her finger out of her mouth, it exiting with a pop that made his Adam's apple bob. Mikasa, too, flushed bright red.

She hadn't known how to feel about the fact that he continued to stare, dropping his previously raised hand that held a spoonful of his own treat down to the table in which the plastic spoon landed back into the paper container.

The two continued to stare for just a few more suffocating seconds before Mikasa backed down, averting her eyes as they darted around to look everywhere but him.

She could still feel his eyes on her.

Mikasa searched for something—anything!—to distract her when her eyes landed on emerald irises once more. She swallowed hard before the person fully faced her and she noticed that it was instead just another male, making her relax.

Of course it wasn't him. The person had much lighter skin, she could observe.

Jean was still internally panicking, reveling and also not-so-much-reveling in how the scene made his stomach churn and heart jump. He tried to quickly think of something that would clear the air and break the suffocating silence that begun to settle between them. Finally, something came across his mind and before he could even consider the topic, his lips parted and he spoke.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now