Sequel Info

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So, it has come to my attention that some people may want a sequel to see how things might play out (i.e. if Mikasa will forgive Annie and so forth), and don't fret—your concerns have been heard.

I've decided that if I write a sequel, it won't be on Wattpad. I'm going to write the sequel(s) on Archive of Our Own because (1) I generally feel more comfortable writing on there because I can write more than 2000+ words there and people don't usually mind, and (2) I've just basically been spending a ridiculous amount of time in quarantine on there reading Kagehina fanfics lol.

I've already moved this book and all it's 36 chapters on there, so if you want to check that out, then the link is on my profile message board, and I'll even put it in my bio on my profile. I can't really tell you when I'll publish the sequels, but I'll give a heads-up on my profile whenever I'm about to post one.

Currently, I'm working on a smut scene, sooooooooo

get ready for that lol.

It'll most likely be out in late-June or early-July.

Alright, that's it! Any questions you may have, feel free to comment them. I'll get to them here as soon as possible!

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