Chapter 3 [rewritten]

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Chapter 3; Party

The next day ended with Mikasa at her locker, putting some books away into her locker.

"Hey." A disembodied voice said to the raven-haired girl.

Mikasa turned her head and saw Eren and immediately felt conflicted emotions fly through her head upon seeing him. She felt happy, thinking that maybe, just maybe, someone might want to be her friend. But then she also felt apprehensive. She thought that maybe this was just a prank and she could be walking right into his claws.

"Sorry, I just realized that I never caught your name." Eren said.

"M-Mikasa Ackerman." She spoke quietly. It's surprising that Eren even heard her.

"Hmm, I like it. It's a pretty name, just like you." He winked.

Mikasa blushed but instantly shrugged it away.

'This is all just a prank, Mikasa.' She thought.

"Since we're friends now, I want to do something today." Eren said. Mikasa rose a brow, slowly closing her locker as she finished putting her books away.

"Friends?" She repeated the word. Eren nodded.

"Yeah," he leaned up against the locker beside her, "are you busy?" He asked.

Mikasa shook her head, making Eren smile in excitement. "Great! So, can I come by your house at 5?" Eren asked.

"I-I still don't know what we're doing." She said quietly. Eren smirked, leaning closer to her.

"You'll just have to trust me on that." He said. Mikasa felt his breath pan across her face and felt intimidated as she also swooned.

"O-okay." She said slowly. Eren smiled, backing away from her.

"Alright, see you then!" He said before he walked away with a wave.

Mikasa watched Eren, dumbfounded once again.

'He's being so kind...why?' She wondered. She quickly shook the thought away, noticing that most of the students had left school. She knew that she should get going home since she had to walk, so she left the school.

Mikasa entered her home and tossed her backpack to the living room couch. She went to the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge.

"Working late tonight. You can order pizza, no parties or boys." Mikasa read the note aloud. She scoffed when she read the word 'parties'.

'As if I have friends to invite.' She thought before her brows rose in realization. She did have a new friend in fact. And, as the stereotype goes, he was a boy.

Mikasa smiled, wondering if this friendship could go further before she quickly shook the feeing away.

'Idiot. There's no way that this relationship will go any further. He has a girlfriend.' She thought to herself.

Her head snapped to the time saw it was 4:57. It wasn't as if she was thinking of changing much of her appearance, so she just went upstairs to take her hair out of its ponytail.

She stared at her hair in her mirror before she squinted her eyes. She's been wanting to cut it for a while now. The sound of a car honking snapped her back to reality. Mikasa turned her head to the clock, checking saw the time.



She left her hair down as she rushed downstairs and slipped on her converse. She took her phone and places it in her sweater pocket before she left the house.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now