Chapter 27 [rewritten]

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Chapter 27; Just blissful

Mikasa drew her hand back to her sides, her mind contemplating her decisions again for the—tenth? twelfth? she's lost count—time that evening.

'Am I ready to face him yet?' Her mind contemplated.

She honestly had no idea. Sure, she had already gone the extra mile by wearing decent clothing, doing her hair, and not to mention preparing a speech for when she'd see the face of the teenage boy in that house.

But she still couldn't help but feel wary.

How couldn't she?

This would basically be their first real conversation since their break-up. Her heart was still devoted to him despite her efforts to stop liking him, and she was afraid that if she saw him she'd instantly just jump into his arms and cry and apologize for everything, pleading for them to get back together.

But she was already here. She had already walked all the way over to his house. She was already on their porch, and was already about to ring the doorbell.

She couldn't turn back now.

Her eyes trailed back to her house across from his.

'Or can I?'

With a sigh, she gave in, pivoting on her heel and spinning around. She knew she'd already come all this way, she knew she'd already put in so much effort just to see him, but she just couldn't...


"Another day." Mikasa muttered. "Maybe." She added.

She stepped forward, but just at that moment the front door swung open behind her. Mikasa's head snapped behind her, looking to see that a male with dark hair neatly slicked back and parted down the middle. Rounded glasses were perched atop his nose, and his lips were drawn out in a thin line.

"Make sure to clean your wounds out everyday." He called back into the house before he looked outside, finally noticing Mikasa in front of him.

"Sure thing, Dad." A familiar, husky and exhausted voice spoke back from within the house.

The male cocked a brow when he saw Mikasa, grey eyes devoid of any certain emotion. "Who are you?"

Mikasa closed her mouth which had recently been left agape, gathering her bearings and fashioning up a nearly indecipherable sentence.

"Uhm... E-Eren... I came to see him!" She stuttered out.

'Nice going.' Her mind chided at her.

The older male seemed to understand her sentence that probably only required two brain cells to form, his head slowly nodding as if he understood.

"Ah, I see. You a friend of his?" He asked.

Mikasa nodded, her eyes casting to the side. "S-Something like that."

"Okay, well he's inside the house. Just let yourself in." The older male said. "I was just on my way out. Have a good day." He added.

Mikasa nodded. "Th-Thanks." She said, stepping aside to let the man pass her. She then peaked inside the house, seeing the kitchen completely empty. She entered the house, looking around to see it basically empty.

Then, when she came across the bathroom, she noticed that the door was ajar, a streak of light streaming onto her face. A strangled noise came out from the room, a groan or hiss or pain maybe, making her curiosity spike as she peaked into the room.

She instantly blushed at the image she saw.

There was Eren, topless in only a pair of jeans as he tended to his wounds, although he handled the task a bit amateurishly. Mikasa couldn't help but ogle at his defined skin, heart racing as she imagined her fingertips trailing over the muscle lining his arms.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now