Chapter 35 [rewritten]

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A/N: OKAY I JUST WANT TO CLARIFY THAT MIKASA IS NOT PREGNANT. Some people may think that from the last chapter when "all Mikasa could feel was bliss", but no, Eren pulled out during sex so she isn't pregnant. There will be nO mEnTiOnS of teen pregnancy in this book, thank you very much.

Okay, that's it. Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 35; Expulsion

Did you hear? About Annie and Hitch?

Eren 💗
Yeah my mom just told me.
Holy shit
They're fucking expelled

Omgomg it feels so weird to believe

Eren 💗
They're finally fucking gone
It's amazing rly

Mikasa smiled. It was amazing. Her two bullies—expelled. Levi had told her how, when he and Mrs. Jeager went to the principal's office, they managed to get those two girls expelled. "Good riddance," Levi had said, and Mikasa couldn't agree more.

Currently, she was laying on her bed, hair damp and sticking to her skin due to the fact that she had just gotten out of the shower. She wore nothing but a long t-shirt (she refused to trust anyone who wore pants to bed) and fuzzy socks—the same ones Levi had gotten for her birthday a while ago.

And she couldn't help but feel...

Is excited the right word?

No, not excited—euphoric.

Eren 💗
Kind of off topic: when should we have our wedding?

Mikasa's brain nearly short circuited. She'd nearly forgotten that she had practically proposed to Eren earlier that day, but now that Eren had brought it up, it was at the forefront of her mind.


Eren 💗

I want it to be warm.
Plus, I don't like the idea of having a winter wedding in the cold

Eren 💗
Why not the summer then?

Too hot

Eren 💗
Wow, you must've been thinking bout this for a while huh

Oh shut up u
Oh and just so you know if we have a daughter we're naming her Madeline

Eren 💗
Why don't I get a say in this?

Because it'll be my uterus she'll come out of

Eren 💗
And if it's a dude?

Uhh idk I didn't think that far

Eren 💗
What about Eren jr?


Eren 💗
Oh come on! You get to pick a name

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now