Chapter 20 [rewritten]

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Chapter 20; Their Parting

Mikasa watched as Jean frantically dug around in one of the lockers, presumably his, to pull out a large sweater.

As if Mikasa's hoodie wasn't oversized enough.

"I-I'm so sorry." Jean stammered. "God, I'm such a mess."

Mikasa shook her head. "It's okay, I was rushing too. We're both at fault." She said.

Jean sighed as he showed her to sweater, looking disappointed in himself. "This is all I have. It's what I came here with."

"No, it's fine. I'll stay in-"

"No." Jean swiftly cut her off. "I insist. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

Mikasa looked at him for a second (well, maybe a bit longer than a second) and saw the desperateness in his eyes. With a sigh, she gave in and took his sweater into his hand.

"Well, if you insist." She muttered. She held the sweater out to examine it, noticing that it was a sweater for a band she and Eren both loved to listen to whenever he drove to take her out places. She smiled at the memories, only to have the painful truth crashing down on her once again.

'He cheated you. Played you. He doesn't love you.'

Trying to ignore her thoughts, Mikasa quickly pulled her own hoodie over her hood in haste, forgetting that in front of her was still a boy—a prepubescent boy—who was a teenager who most likely felt the same way she did at times, sexually of course.

So, when her hoodie was off of her body and she could see him in all his bashfulness, she quickly remembered that she was wearing a dangerously thin, cotton undershirt that also got wet (she could tell cuz her abdomen was wet with the soda and a bit sticky, much to her discomfort).

So sure enough, when she looked down, she could see that her red bra was visible through her undershirt, making her turn as red as her undergarment.

Jean was equally as red.

He could feel a stiffness sprout between his thighs, making him cross his legs in what he had hoped looked like a natural way as he shifted in which his erection wasn't so visible.

"A-Ah, oh! S-Sorry! I didn't realize- err... I mean, I did!" Mikasa stuttered, turning redder as she continue to stammer. "Shit, I mean..."

Jean awkwardly chuckled. "No, no. It's fine." Jean said, averting his eyes. However, they couldn't help but lower to her chest only notice her red lace (lace!) bra once more.

He swore his hair would light on fire.

"Heh.. Uhh... i-is there a changing room?." She asked.

"Oh! Uhm... there aren't." Jean muttered.

Mikasa cocked a brow, an "oh," slipping past her lips before she gestured to his eyes. "Can you... cover your eyes then?"

Jean nodded, quickly spinning around and covering his eyes as Mikasa slowly lifted her shirt over her head.

She quickly slipped his sweater over her body, giving him the ok to turn around, in which he did.

Jean felt himself get flustered at the sight.

Why was there something so appealing about seeing an attractive girl in your clothing?

"Is it okay?" The boy squeaked out.

Mikasa nodded, feeling the cotton between her fingertips are she trailed her hand up her abdomen. "Yeah, it's really soft." However, she quickly stiffened when she noticed how sexual her act was, since she was basically feeling herself up, making her quickly draw her hands back to her side. "Thanks."

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now