Chapter 33* [rewritten]

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A/N: y'all already know what that asterisk in the chapter title means—smut! 😉

Chapter 33; She Killed Herself

Contains lemon/smut. Beware.

Hey Levi, I have a school project to work on so don't expect me home until later today. Save me some dinner tho, thanks

Big Bro
Okay... you should've told me before tho. Just be back before curfew.

Okay, sorry!

Mikasa slipped her phone back into her pocket the minute a 'Read 2:18pm' popped up underneath her message.

"What'd he say?" Eren asked the girl who sat in the passenger seat of his car, coming to a stop as the traffic light turned red.

"He's fine with it. Just have me back before 9, that's my curfew," Mikasa admitted as she leaned against the window, letting the cold glass touch her skin and send shivers down her spine. "Where are you taking me, anyway?"

"A place where..." Eren began before his voice trailed off. He shook his head, "you'll see when we get there," he murmured.

Mikasa nodded slowly, "okay."

The rest of the 15 minute drive was relatively quiet. Mikasa could feel Eren glancing at her every once in a while, but she couldn't exactly get on him for it since she kept stealing glances at him as well. It's been a while since they've gone out together, and that thought really began to get to Mikasa.

When they dated before, they never really went out either. It was all just movies and hanging out at each other's houses and the occasional dinner date whenever the two saved up enough money (which was rare). It wasn't as though they weren't happy though—sometimes Mikasa enjoyed eating McDonalds that she and Eren snuck into a movie theatre opposed to a fancy night out. But now that Eren was taking Mikasa out somewhere for the first time in a while since their reignited relationship, she can't help but get her hopes up.

Was it getting hotter in there? Mikasa began to fan her shirt against her neck. It was definitely getting hotter—why else would Mikasa suddenly be bright red and flustered?

That was, until Eren pulled up at a cemetery.

Mikasa could feel her face physically drop when Eren pulled up into a graveyard.

"You took me to a... cemetery?" Mikasa asked, completely aghast. All the previous heat she was feeling dispersed immediately.

"Ah, you make it sound so horrible," Eren said as he unbuckled. He wore a smile, but it was awkward and forced.

"Well, uhh..." Mikasa looked down, "never mind." She hated how bitter she sounded—she could tell that Eren could hear it too.

She unbuckled her seatbelt and left her backpack in the car as she exited it. It was cold there—the sudden breeze that blew by had Mikasa shivering and it didn't take long for Eren to remove his jacket and give it to the girl before he led her inside the graveyard. She clung to the coat around her shoulders as she walked through the dirt before Eren stopped at a particular grave.

"Here," he said.

Mikasa looked up. There was a tombstone with flowers on the lump of dirt on the ground, the tombstone cracked and shabby. It's been here for a while, Mikasa could tell, but why did Eren take her here?

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now