Chapter 21 [rewritten]

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Chapter 21; His Discovery Of Them

As Mikasa trucked down her high school corridor towards her locker, her phone buzzed in her jean pocket. She quickly fished it out to see a text from Jean, making her smile since the two had been texting a lot.

It had only been a few days, not even a full week, yet they had been texting nonstop. Mikasa excused their excessive texting, thinking that it was only because she still had his sweater, but she knew damn well that there were other reasons why.

You outta school yet?

Yup. You texted me just in time lol

Luckyass. I'm stuck here for another 24 minutes

That's not too long

No, but it seems long when you're stuck next to someone annoying.

Wow never mind then. Good luck.

Wow thanks

You're welcome 😉

Mikasa giggled as she saw the three dots bouncing on his side of the screen before a new text rolled in, expressing a bit of sarcasm. She giggled once more, although she wasn't looking where she was fully going because she had bumped into something.

She looked up, seeing that she had bumped into Annie and she prepared herself for the worst.

Annie only stared at her for an uncomfortable amount of time before Hitch tapped her shoulder and pointed to Mikasa's phone by her feet, since Mikasa had just dropped it. Annie gave her a certain look before Hitch seemed to understand, picking up Mikasa's phone and handing it to the blonde.

"Let's see. Trying to get in bed with someone else?" Annie questioned, staring at the girl's phone. She scrolled through the messages before she scoffed. "You're such a fucking slut. Don't you get it? Nobody likes you! Stop trying to make friends, it's never going work."

Mikasa averted her eyes.

"Hey! Eyes up here fucktard." Annie snapped her fingers in Mikasa's face.

Mikasa didn't oblige.

"Is this bitch ignoring me?" Annie snarled.

"C-Can you please give me my phone back?" Mikasa asked, although her eyes were still glued to the floor. Her voice was anything but demanding, instead being a wavering and self-conscious mess.

Annie nearly burst into laughter, instead giggling before she spoke up. "Sorry, I don't really listen to whores who open their legs for anyone. Good effort though." Annie teased, clapping her hands together for a while before she was abruptly cut off.

"Annie, give her her phone back."

Annie turned around to face the speaker to see Eren standing tall before her.

"And you expect me to listen to you, why?" Annie asked. "My jaw still hurts from when you punched me, you fucking psycho."

"I expect you to listen if you know what's best." Eren warned, stepping closer to her.

Annie stared at him, but suddenly shrunk in his shadow. She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she dropped Mikasa's phone and walked away.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now