Chapter 34 [rewritten]

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Chapter 34; A Future

If Mikasa had a project to work on, she should've at least told him earlier, right?

Levi tched, deciding not to dwell on the though as he slipped his phone back into his back pocket. He raised his hand, ringing the doorbell to the house upon him, and it wasn't long before the front door swung open.

"Ah, Mr. Ackerman. It's good to see you," the male who had opened the door said. "I wasn't expecting you."

"I just wanted to come by... is Petra around?"

Mr. Ral turned back into his house. "Yes, she's around all right. Why do you need her?" He asked, turning back to Levi.

"I need to see her. Work purposes," Levi said.

Mr. Ral cocked a brow in suspicion before he opened the door wider and stepped out of the way, gesturing for Levi to enter. "Come in. I'll call her for you."

Levi murmured his thanks, stepping inside and removing his shoes as he entered the large home. He looked up and around, admiring the large home with slack mouth. This house was large enough for a family of 6, yet only two people live here.

"I'll be one moment," Mr. Ral said before he walked past Levi and surged upstairs. Levi nodded, although Mr. Ral was already gone when he did so, and took a small step forward. The house smelt wonderful—Levi couldn't tell if it was because of some recently made food, if it was because of the candles along the top of the bookshelf, or if the house just naturally smelt this good.

It didn't take long for Mr. Ral to descend the steps and Levi eagerly looked behind the man as he walked down. When he failed to spot Petra, Levi couldn't help but frown.

"She'll be down in a minute. But anyways, how have you been, Levi? It's been a while since we've talked, hasn't it," Mr. Ral said.

Levi nodded. "Yes, it has. I've been good."

"How's life at home? You find a wife or a girlfriend yet?"

Levi peered at Mr. Ral curiously before it dawned on him.



'Petra never told him that we were... that we're a thing...' Levi thought. He didn't exactly know if he should feel hurt or offended or find this funny because he found himself tied between the three.

He quickly cleared his throat when he realized hat he had gone silent. "Uhm, yes. I have," he decided on saying with a nod, and he couldn't help but let a tiny smile tug at his lips as Petra's smiling face popped into his mind.

"Ah, that's good." Mr. Ral turned towards the stairs when he found himself struggling to create new conversation. He craned his neck to peer up the steps and squinted his eyes in search of Petra. "Where is that girl?"

"I'm sure she won't take too..." Levi's voice trailed off when he say Petra at the top of the stairs, "long," he finished, sounding preoccupied as he watched Petra descend from the steps. She wore a sundress that fell to her knees, being white in color with a floral pattern printed on it. Although what she wore was very simple, it still had Levi's heart racing.

"Ah, Petra. There you are. Levi wanted to talk with you," Mr. Ral said. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me," he said before walking away.

Levi watched his retreating back before he turned to Petra again.

"You look... really good," he spat out, breathless.

Petra tittered at the blush that made its way onto Levi's face. "Thank you," she murmured as she stepped down the final step. "Shall we go?"

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now