Chapter 24 [rewritten]

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Chapter 24; Rebound

As Mikasa plopped the last forkful of her food into her mouth, she sighed as she let the deliciousness swirl around on her tongue before sliding down her throat. She looked down at the plate in front of her, the white platter being wiped clean of the food it had on it not even a full 15 minutes ago. She reached over on the table, grabbing the tall glass beside the plate halfway full of water. Then she slowly began to drank it.

'When is this date going to end?' Mikasa inwardly groaned.

Jean and Connie were still going at it, talking their asses off, and if Mikasa didn't know any better she would've assumed that they were the ones on a date.

A bit of food remained on Jean's plate, as well as Connie's, and Mikasa knew that if she didn't intervene they would be here for another half hour. She looked to Sasha, as if asking her for assistance to get home quicker, but Sasha only shrugged.

"When they start talking, they start talking." Sasha whispered to the girl before finishing the last of her own water.

Mikasa sighed, looking at Jean again with impatience. Sasha's words from earlier in the bathroom crossed her mind, making unease well up within her.

'You're still in love with Eren.' Sasha's voice echoed in Mikasa's head as if she had screamed it directly into her ear only a few seconds ago, rather than having whispered it an hour or so ago.

Mikasa hadn't denied or agreed with Sasha's words, but the way she squirmed where she stood at the words and the way her face turned extremely red seemed to answer Sasha nonetheless.

Sasha told Mikasa to go back to Eren, but Mikasa refused. Sasha asked why since she was still so obviously head over heels for him, but Mikasa didn't give an exact response. She only shook her head and shrugged.

Then, Sasha gave Mikasa the advice that had been bouncing around in her head the entirety of their time back at the table: 'Well, you obviously don't like Jean, so don't lead him on. Just reject him.'

Three. Simple. Words.

That's all it took. Why couldn't she have thought of it sooner?

Mikasa hadn't dwelled on the latter thought.

She only dwelled on what Sasha had told her, which was to reject Jean, and she came to the conclusion that that was what she was going to do.

After their date, after they split up with Connie and Sasha, she was going to reject him. She was going to let him down slowly. She was going to tell him the truth.

That her heart belonged to another man.

Their waiter passed by their table and Sasha called for him, making their server swivel around and walk to their table.

"Can I help you four?" He asked.

"Yes, uhm, can we get the bill?"

"Sure thing. Give me one moment." The waiter replied. And with that, he marched his way back to the kitchen.

"The bill?" Connie questioned.

"Yeah, because I still have homework to finish tonight and only God knows how long it would take you two to finish talking." Sasha said.

Jean chuckled, finished the last bit of food on his plate. "She's got us there."

Connie shrugged, not putting up a fight as he finished his own food and washed it down with some soda.

"We'll pay for the meal. You two go on ahead." Connie proclaimed to Jean and Mikasa.

Jean smirked, nodding at his friend. "Thanks pal. C'mon, Mikasa."

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now