Chapter 12 [rewritten]

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Chapter 12; Petra

When Levi Ackerman started working at a full-time job, he found himself returning home later than usual and working night shifts. He'd often retreat back to his home when his sister was asleep, and a pang of guilt was always shot through his chest.

He knew how much she had been suffering, and he knew how much she needed him. But he never felt like he was there.

He wanted to know how she was doing, and better yet, he wanted to know if she was happy or not. But since he didn't see her as often anymore, he wasn't able to interact with her as often as he used to.

But now, as he returned home from work earlier than usual, he thought of this as the perfect opportunity to ask how she was. And when he entered their house to see a delicious dinner set out on the dining room table, he found himself searching the room to see none other than Mikasa Ackerman.

"Whoa..." he mused to himself.

Mikasa looked at the food she had made, a satisfied smile on her face.

"You made this?" He asked.

She nodded. "You've been working hard lately, so I take it that you haven't been eating as well too. So, I made a little meal for us." She admitted.

Levi smiled, removing his coat to hang over a seat beside him. Mikasa was right, Levi wasn't eating as well as he used to. Before, he had time to make homemade meals and eat healthier, but now he found himself eating pre-made meals and sometimes he'd skip eating the meal altogether.

"Wow. What'd you make?" Levi asked.

"Creamy carbonara." Mikasa simply answered.

Levi cocked a brow and paused from where he stood. "Carbonara?" He echoed. "How long did that take to make?"

Mikasa shrugged with an awkward giggle. "You don't need to worry. Let's just eat." She said.

She pulled out a seat and sat down, and across from her sat her brother. They grabbed their forks and Levi immediately dug in, although he was careful not to make a mess.

Mikasa watched him carefully as he ate, wondering if she should tell him now that she was going on a date with Eren or later.

Turns out, she'd be force to go with the latter because the doorbell suddenly rang.

She perked up and Levi offered to get it but she insisted on letting him eat. He eventually agreed and Mikasa shuffled to the door and looked through the peephole.

A part of her wished for it to be Eren, but instead she saw a female with ginger hair at their porch. Her eyes were light brown, her ginger hair in a small ponytail.

Mikas swing the door open with a cocked brow, wondering who the lady on the other side was.

"Uhm, hi." Mikasa said. She eyed the lady down from her black skirt to her white blouse and black blazer that matched her pencil skirt, making Mikasa assume for her to be a business woman.

"Oh, hey! I'm Petra Ral." The lady stuck out her hand. Mikasa reluctantly reciprocated the action and shook her hand. "Is this the residence of Levi Ackerman?"

Mikasa nodded. "Yes, why? Is he in trouble?"

The woman—Petra—chuckled lightly. "Oh, heavens no. I just came to return his phone and-"

"Did someone say my name?"

Mikasa turned around to see Levi approaching her with his arms crossed and a cocked brow.

"Oh, yeah. Someone came to return something of yours." Mikasa admitted, stepping aside to give Levi the chance to look at who Mikasa spoke with.

Upon seeing the girl in the doorway, Levi's eyes lit up subtly. To any other person, it would've be unnoticeable. However, Mikasa noticed the change in his expression, and she took note of it.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now