Chapter 15 [rewritten]

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Chapter 15; Three-Month Progress

To say that Mikasa Ackerman had fallen for Eren Jeager since their date would be an understatement. She was straight up lovesick.

Three months had passed and during those three months, Mikasa hadn't cut herself. As hers and Eren's relationship thrived, so did her will to live. She even pursed her love for drawing, sketching whenever she could and posting the aftermath online whenever she got the chance to. Her confidence had grown as well.

And during that time, Levi and Petra had also started a relationship. Levi's mood ultimately improved and the ginger was seen around Mikasa's house more often than not. Mikasa was already growing close to the Petra too.

Both Ackermans couldn't be happier.

Presently, Mikasa was laying on her bed, tucked into her bedsheets when a familiar chime rang throughout her dark room.

'Ignore it, Mika. It's 12 am.' A voice sang in her head.

She obliged to her thoughts, although she was a bit reluctant. However, when her phone chimed again, she didn't ignore it.

Grabbing her phone, Mikasa viewed the notification to see a message from the contact with the name 'My Hero' followed by some emojis. She smiled, opening the message to read it.

My Hero 🥵❤️🤟🏻😻
I'm bored :P You still awake?

Yeah lol. You should be asleep.

My Hero 🥵❤️🤟🏻😻

why not?

My Hero 🥵❤️🤟🏻😻
Because you're on my mind 😉

Mikasa felt her heart swell and cheeks burn. She bit her lip, her insides churning as she thought about her beloved. When she failed to reply to the message she had previously received, a new message rolled in with a chime:

My Hero 🥵❤️🤟🏻😻
Lol did I kill you?

ofc not lmao. Gosh you're such a tomcat.

My Hero 🥵❤️🤟🏻😻
And that's why you love me.

Shut up.

My Hero 🥵❤️🤟🏻😻
Make me.

I might just do that.

My Hero 🥵❤️🤟🏻😻
Oh? And how so?

By coming over.

My Hero 🥵❤️🤟🏻😻
You wouldn't.

I would.

Mikasa turned off her phone and hopped out of bed, shivering from the cold. She grabbed a large hoodie that was laying on the ground and pulled it over her shivering body, then slipped on some fuzzy socks Levi had gotten her not too long ago.

Slipping her phone into her pocket, Mikasa walked down the steps and upon reaching the foot of the stairs she hesitated.

There was a light on in the living room, and there was a TV show playing, although the volume was low. She could hear giggling and talking from where she stood, and from that she knew exactly who was downstairs.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now