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Today, Naomi and I were planning on having a picnic at the park. I didn't see her anywhere around, so i started to look. I looked everywhere except for the bathroom. So, I open the door and peeked in. There she was. In she showering and signing in her beautiful voice. I was staring and i couldn't even snap out. But then suddenly I did. I lightly closed the door so she didn't see me. I didn't want it to be awkward but at the same time, I feel like if i don't tell her I'll seem like a creep.

After a while, she was fully ready and she looked stunning.

"Uh... where are you going looking like that" I say crossing my arms

"Where's does it look like I'm going" She says with sass and we both start giggling

I stare at her for a while admiring her morning look. Her skin was glowing, her hair looked perfect, and just everything about her looked gorgeous as always.

"Stop staring, lover boy" Naomi says with walking passed me laughing. She must of caught me staring. She really is a dream. She's the cutest little thing ever. 


We were at the park sitting on a the blanket looking at the beautiful view. Nature is my thing. Plus, the view is even better with Naomi here. We talked for a while about stupid things and we tossed grapes into each other's mouths. After a a lot we decided to go home. As we were walking, I thought it was best to tell her this.

"So uh, Nay? I don't want to sound awkward or make you feel uncomfortable but in the morning, I couldn't find you so I looked everywhere. But last I looked in the bathroom and uh, I kinda seen you in the shower. Not to be a creep or anything I just thought you should know." I say lightly laughing to lighten the mood.

There was an awkward silences before suddenly she start laughing.

" What?" I say

" Ya know babes, you make me laugh. Very much" She says smiling bright.

"How so?"

"You looked so innocent and scared to tell me. Like a little baby... your cute"

"I thought you were mad" I say laughing.

We both stood there staring at one another. Her eyes where sparkling and she was staring at my lips. We both start to lean in... and well that, that lead into a very tense make out. Are lips moved perfect together, like it was meant to be. The kids became very passionate until be both took a break for air.

"Look Mena... I gotta get back home, but I'll see you around" Naomi said a ran off quickly.

That was kinda weird. Where does that leave off? Maybe she doesn't even feel the way I do? Did I take things to far? So many thoughts were running through my head. "Let me stop overthinking" I say to myself.

When I got home, I texted Will and told her what happened.


Will: Man that's amazing!! It's so obvious you guys are head over heals for each other

Mena: But why did she just run away and say nothing else????

Will: maybe she was just as nervous as you bro. Don't assume, everything gonn be alright

Mena: ok man, gotta go

Will: peace ✌🏽


Ughhhhhh sometimes these things are just so stressful. Let me call her..... *short time skip*

Why isn't she answering her phone????? Did I do something wrong?? I must of took it to far!!! This is embarrassing!!


A/N: hope you guys enjoyed

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