Twenty two

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Today, Mena and I decided to take Aaliyah to the aquarium. We headed out after I packed things that would be necessary. When we walked into the aquarium, Mena and I latched on to each other's hands and pushed Aaliyah in her stroller.

First, we looked at the fish and the sea turtles. Aaliyah was so fascinated in the sea life. The pointed out the unique fishes and smiled brighter at the sea life that stood out the most.

Then we looked at the Jellyfish which was one of her daddy's, Mena, personal favorite. They looked so pretty and Aaliyah loved them as well. After that we went to watch the hippos at feeding time. I can tell Aaliyah will have something to do with the Marine life.

After the aquarium, we ate outside around the penguins for lunch. Mena has a vegan sandwich and I just had a regular hoagie.

"Baby, Will texted me and told me some jokes about fish, he's literally crazy" Mena said.

"Let me bear em'"

"why Don't claims give to charity"

"Uhhh not sure, why"

"Because there shellfish"

"Oh my God where does he come up with these" i say laughing along with Mena.

"Wait wait here another one...What does a dolphin say when he's confused?"

"I have no idea"

"Can you be more Pacific"

Mena and I both laughed and then took Aaliyah back inside to the touch and feel exhibits. She loved them so so much. Her eyes lit up. After the aquarium we heading back out home.

"So baby, I was thinking I could cook a vegan meal for us tonight"

"Yeah that's nice"

"And Aaliyah can have finger food"

"Of course baby"

When we got home, Mena went directly to the kitchen and started cooking dinner. He was cooking Vegan Mac and cheese aside of Creamy vegan butternut Squash linguine with Fries Sage. The kitchen smelt amazing.

We all ate dinner. I started to thing to myself, this is gonna be the rest of my life. My beautiful family.

After dinner, I did the dishes as Mena have Aaliyah a bath. When we were done we snuggled up on the couch and out on kids show for Aaliyah to fall asleep to. I rested my head on Mena and kissed his cheek.

"You know I love you" He said

"I love you more"


"Just made it possible" I say smiling up at him

"You wish"

I kissed him on the lips and got comfy on him. Mena started drifting off when suddenly my phone went off.

I seen it was a text. A text from my ex.... Jordan


A/N: hope y'all like this!! Please leave ideas on what you would like to see next. Love y'all have a good week!!

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