Twenty one

365 11 2


Aaliyah was on a play date with Naomi's friend kid named Maria. Since Nay and I had the day to ourselves, we decided to have a spa day.

First we wanted to set the mood, so we lit some candles and defused a lavender essential oil for relaxation. I got fluffy towels or and warm slippers for when we were done as Naomi grabbed everything else we needed.

I turned on the hot water and filled it up with bubbles and then put a beach bath bomb in the bathtub. Naomi applied the face mask on us and it was cucumber flavor. She washed our hair with shampoo and then put conditioner in there. As we let it sit, we got into the bathtub and steamed our faces.

"I'm not gonna lie, this actually is very relaxing" I say.

"I know right. I really do love spa's"

"I can't tell, you knew exactly what to do"

I held her hand as we relaxed and closed our eyes. Eventually, we rinsed our hair out and washed our faces off. I drained out the water and we rinsed our bodies off. I grabbed the towel and Naomi tied one on my head. I lifted her out the shower and wrapped a towel around her. She smiled at me and then put a towel around her head. We put are slippers on and headed to the bedroom.

She rubbed peppermint cream on me and massaged it into my skin. It felt so good and felt like I was in heaven.

"Maybe you should be a masseuse"

"Really you think"

"No actually I want you to me MY masseuse"

"I see how your playing"

" Just because I don't want you touching other people"

She laughed and kissed me. I then put the lotion on her and we changed into Comfy pjs. We went into the living room and she straddled my lap.

"Think you can take me down?" She said smirking

"Are you challenge me?? Because I will for sure win"

"I will like to see you try"

"3...2...1..." I yell as I flip her off of me. She some how ends up throwing me on to the ground, we both grab pillows and hit one another with it. She sat on top of me and pulled my arms back.

"Ouch Nay" i say laughing

"Tap out"

"Me.. tap out? Never"

She started riding me and pulling my arms back farther.

"Ok ok I tap out" i say tapping the ground

"Look who won" she said acting like She was thanking people for clapping.

"You cheated that's not fair" i say pouting and pulling her close to me. I kissed her on the cheek and she laughed.

"I did not cheat, I didn't force you to quit did I?"

"Mmhm... that's one time Miss Naomi, next time I will take you down"

"We'll see, now C'mon we gotta go get Aaliyah. It's late.

After we picked up Aaliyah, we went back o the house. Me and Naomi played with Aaliyah and her toys until it was time for her bed time. I placed her in her bed and kissed her good night. She looked so peaceful sleeping there. I went back downstairs and seen Naomi falling asleep on the couch.

"Baby, before you go to sleep can I show you something?" I say tapping her lightly

"Yeah of course, love"

"Follow me"

I lead her out side and grabbed a hold of her hand tightly. I started to climb up a onto the roof. I felt her let go of my hand and I could see the  hesitation in her eyes.

"Is that even safe Mena?"

"Yeah 100%. Don't be scared I got you"

"Uh... I don't know about this"

"Baby, I'm right here" i say reaching out my hand.

"Do you trust me?"

"What did you just say?"

"Do you trust me?"


I grabbed her hand and pulled her up onto the roof with me. We both laid down and looked at the stars. They looked so beautiful.

"You see who many stars there are."


"And you know how starts make up a whole galaxy?"

"Yes baby"

"My love for your is bigger,Stronger, and brighter then this whole universe. My world is only moving because I have you"

"Aww baby I love you so much. Your the sweetest man out there. I love you babe"

We kissed and then looked at the stars for a but more. We both started to get tired and cold so we decided to go inside. We climbed into bed and cuddled up together. I kissed her on the head, and fell asleep right after that.


A/N: cute chapter!!! Hope y'all like this. Should I make and Mena and Naomi Au? If so what should it be about. I have some ideas in mind but I just wanna know what you guys may like!!

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