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I haven't seen Mena in a while. I miss him so much. Tonight, I'm finally going to see him. I've been waiting for this day ever since we planned it.

I was at the store buying and outfit for tonight. I picked out a soft red crop top and black high waisted jeans. When I got home a did my makeup and put my hair up in a high ponytail.

I heard a knock on the door and I got so excited, I looked in the mirror on more time and then opened the door. There he was, he had roses in his hand and a gift box. He looked sexy like always. I pulled him in and kissed him passionately. I took the roses and put them on the kitchen table. I went back to the living from to continue our kiss.

He hands slide down my body and around my waist. He grabbed my ass and lifted me up. He carried me to the kitchen and places me on the counter. He removed my shirt and he took of his jacket. The kiss broke because we were both short of breath. He laced me down and start sucking on my neck and on my sweat spot. I let out soft moans and as he start to grind on me.

All of this came to a sudden stop when I felt the urge to throw up. I pushed him off of me and ran up the steps into the bathroom. I started to get sick in the toilet. I felt Mena's soft hand quickly slide my shirt back on a keep my hair from falling in front of my face. My stomach was hurting so bad and I felt lightheaded.

"Baby... it's ok I'm here. Don't worry I'm right here" Mena whispered to me

I collapsed in his arms and he got me a drink of water. He payed me down in the bed. The room was spinning in circles. I seen 3 Mena's. All of a sudden everything was dark and I couldn't feel my body.


A/N: short chapter:( so sorry!! Also sorry that I didn't get the chance to update yesterday! Hope y'all enjoy!

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