Twenty Seven

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Today Naomi and I were getting ready for engagement pictures. I was getting my hair styled as Naomi was getting her makeup done. We didn't see each other until it was time to go. And wow! She looked gorgeous

"Oh my-"

"What's wrong" she says smiling at me

"Nothing. Nothing at all." I say as I scan her body up and down.

"Stop being a flirt, let's go" she said grabbing my hand

"And by the way, you look absolutely stunning" she said kissing my cheek.

I smiled and he headed to the photoshoot. We took many pictures. They were all so beautiful and there was a meaning behind every single one. I couldn't believe it. I'm really standing here getting pictures with my future wife!! I smiled at her as I was lost in my thoughts.

After the pictures, we looked at them and picked our favorites. We sent them to are parents and Will and Nasim.We were deciding on when to tell the fans.

After the photoshoot, we ate lunch together.

"Mena... I love you so much. Ever since I laid eyes on you"

"I couldn't take my eyes off of you"

"I love you Meens"

"I love you Nay"

We kissed each other passionately. We then talked for a while until it got pretty late. We went home to Aaliyah and thanked our babysitter for watching her.

We ordered food and spent family time together. People don't notice how relevant it is to spend time together. You never know when the last time you'll see someone. And being with your family makes you much happier then being left alone. Tell your mom,dad, however you want that you love them. Trust me you'll make there day.

After that, we all headed to the kitchen and blasted are favorite music. We started to grab the supplies for cookies and we all washed are hands.

Surefire was on and we all started dancing around the table while mixing the cookie dough together. Even Aaliyah.



Naomi and I yelled out as we sung the song together. I came up from behind her and kissed her on the neck. I grabbed her hand and twirled her around. I pressed her up against the counter and kissed her.

"Ew daddy" Aaliyah said

Naomi and I both started laughing. I walked over to Aaliyah and kissed her cheek.

"Aww my baby"

She smiled as she ate the cookie dough.

Naomi started laughing at me while I watched Aaliyah play around.

"Why are you laughing" i say smirking at her

"It's just- you look so focused it's so funny and cute"

"Stooop it" I say blushing as she squeezes my cheeks

"Aaliyah look at your daddy blushing" she said laughing and smiling so bright

"Your being mean" i say as I through cooking flower at her. I then laugh as i was her smile turn to a straight face

"Oh it is so on... Aaliyah let's get him"

All I seen was flower and all around the kitchen. We all threw it at each other as if it was a war. I hide behind the counter as Aaliyah looked for me.


I heard Naomi whisper but I couldn't make out what she said. All of a sudden, I was about to pop out on them, but I then was covered in white soft power.


"RUN!" She said picked up Aaliyah as they both started laughing and running.

I chased them and pushed them on to the bed. I tickled them constantly until they were both out of breath from laughing. We all collapsed onto the bed as we laid there and laughed.

"We should probably clean this up" I say and Naomi laughs

"Guess we should"

Naomi and I cleaned the kitchen and then put the cookies in the oven. As they were cooking, Aaliyah took a bath and then Naomi and I did too.

Aaliyah and Naomi got ice cream for us and set up a movie on Tv. I got the cookies for us and we all got comfy together on the couch.

When the movie was over, I looked at Naomi and Aaliyah who were both now sleeping. I cleaned up there ice cream bowls and put a blanket over them.

I cuddled up on the couch with them and kissed both there foreheads goodnight.


A/N: different type of chapter!! Hope y'all liked it !!

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