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I woke up to the hot sun beaming on my face. I rubbed my eyes and checked the time. "Shit" i thought to myself. I run to the bathroom and take a shower. My stylist already had my outfit picked out for me. I got changed at got my makeup done.

Me and Mena has an interview today. We meet up in a private room they had for us. We took some pictures and laughed at some of them.

It was time for us to come out. We walked out holding hands. We sat done and they asked up some questions. It was very fun and I couldn't wait to do it again tomorrow.

After the interview, Mena and I went to get something to eat.

"Baby, did I tell you that you look stunning today?" Mena says smirking

"You the cutest Mena. You look stunning as well"

"I just wanna let my babygirl know" we both smile.

After eating we headed back to the hotel. I got changed and meant up in the lounge room with everyone else.

"Hey Nay! We were talking about having a party tonight" Will says to me

"Ayy!! Ok" i say smiling

"There's a private from Guy rented out for us" Nasim says to us all

"Sounds lit" Mena says while walking into the room

He sat done next to me and put his arm around me.

"Alright you two love birds... get up and go get ready for the party" Will says jumping in between us.

"And wear something cute or sexy... " Nasim whispers into my ear

"Oh shut up" we both laughed

I went up my room and got changed into a white draped open neck with a back side slit dress.

I put on some jewelry and headed down to the "party room"

There was music and drinks and food. It was crazy cool. I found Will and we start dancing together. He's literally the funniest person ever.

After a while of chit chatting with people and dancing. I felt someone grab my waist. I turn around to see Mena

"Damn, were you tryna get me hard?"

"Shh Mena"

"You look incredible baby"

"I love you Meens" i say and he kisses my hands.

Mena and I were dancing for a while. After a long time, Mena and I decided to tell the cast we were dating. We tapped his glass and we both stood up.

"I just wanna give a special thank you to Guy, for directing us and dealing with us during the times we were acting hella crazy. I want to thank all my co-stars for an amazing time and I'm so excited to be going through this journey with you all. I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. I love you all so much and I'm excited to make many more memories together!!! Also i just wanna let you all know that Me and Naomi are officially dating!!! But shhh you can't tell anyone!" Mena says while laughing

Everyone starts clapping and saying congrats and Will and Nasim come up and hug us

I'm so excited to be here and have them all as my best friends! I really do love them all!


A/N: Hope you enjoyed!! Another chapter will be published a little later today!

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