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It's are first day back from the hospital. Aaliyah has been screaming crying all day. At this stage, all she does it eat, sleep, and cry.

At the moment, we just put her down for a nap. Naomi was washing her hands after Aaliyah threw up in her hands.

I was sitting on the couch staring at my beautiful daughter. She look just like her mommy. Naomi caught me off guard and pulled me back into her lap. As i laid there she played with my hair.

"She has your adorable dimples" she says softly.

"She has your nose and eyes. She gorgeous just like her mama"

" I love you Meens,"

"I love you Nay"


Hours past by and Aaliyah just got done getting feed. Nay was laying her down to change her diaper. She sung to her making up her own lyrics about her little girl. I took a quick picture and then put my phone down.

After a while I got bored when Naomi and Aaliyah were both sleeping so I went on my phone.

I ended texting Will and we were talking about common stupid things best friends talk about. We even start making crazy joke and I put him in my phone as "Babygirl❤️" just because we were playing a round and doing crazy things. I got so caught up in our conversation that I didn't even know Aaliyah was screaming crying and Naomi was talking... well now yelling at me. I looked up in shock.

"MENA?!!! Are you even listening??" She says every madly and trying to calm Aaliyah down.

"Yea yeah sorry, what's you say I missed it"

"You've been on the phone every fucking second. At the mall, at the hospital, at home. You don't even pay attention. Everyone time your phone dings which is like every second, you on that god damn phone for the next hour!!" She shouts and lucky Aaliyah calms down and is just looking around.

"Ok you need to calm down. You've been acting so extra ever since Aaliyah has been born"

"Extra??? Trust me Mena this is NOT extra!"

"Oh my God, your being a bitch. I guess I won't go on my phone anymore!"

"A BITCH? I-..."

"Alright look I'm sorry" i try to grab her hand but he pushes me off

"No DO NOT fucking touch me. Fuck off"

"I'm sorry" i say as she quickly goes up to her bedroom with Aaliyah.

After about and hour, she finally came out. I didn't interfere because I knew if I did, things would be horrible.

I went up stars to the bathroom to brush my teeth before bed.


Mena left his phone down here and it kept buzzing and I was trying to put Aaliyah the bed.

"MENA!!! Your phoneeee" i yelled

He didn't answer so I'm guessing her didn't hear me.

"Bab- Mena your phone!!"

Still no response


I went over to his phone and picked up so I can turn it off all the way. I seen a text. I couldn't see what it said but the name read: Babygirl❤️.

I put down his phone and i knew damn well that wasn't me texting him. My hands start shaking. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. I can't jump to conclusions and assume things.

When Mena came down the stars he picked up Aaliyah and started walking her.

He sang her songs to sleep. When he put her down her came over to me. I felt my eyes filling with tears and my stomach start feeling twisted.

"Baby... what's wrong" he said

I stayed silent and I was staring blankly at the wall.

"Naomi look, I'm sorry you know I love you"

I didn't say a word. I didn't wanna speak. All I kept thinking about what who's is this "Babygirl"


"I'm going to bed" i say with my shaky voice as I headed up to bed. While i was laying there I felt him get into the bed. He tried cuddling with me but I pushed him off and turned my back towards him.

I couldn't sleep for hours and I cried my self to sleep.


It was 6:00 in the morning. Aaliyah was crying but all of a sudden she stopped. I got up and seen Mena holding her and feeding her. They both looked so beautiful.

I went to the bathroom knowing I wasn't gonna be able to fall back to sleep, plus I wasn't even tired. I felt numb. I still couldn't stop things about what I seen on Mena's phone.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I then got changed and headed to the kitchen.

"Good morning baby" he said

"Babe?" He asked again

"Who's babygirl? One your phone?! ARE YOU FUCKIBG CHEATING?" I say crying "I cried myself to sleep all i want is the truth."

"Babe hey Shh" He day grabbing me and pulling me close. "It's just Will here look"

He says passing me his phone. I felt so stupid. I got myself all worked up and this is the outcome.

"I- Mena I'm so sorry"

"Don't be baby you did nothing wrong" she says wiping my tears and kissing my forehead.

He kissed me and I whispered "im sorry" one last time before I was laying in the couch his Mena pressed up against me kissing me fiercely.

It was going to me more then just a passionate kiss but Aaliyah started crying. Mena jumped off of me and ran to her. I followed behind him.

He picked her up and kissed her cheek. We both sat down on the couch as Mena held her. We were all cuddled up together.

"I love you so much Aaliyah! And i love your daddy too!" I say looking at them both.

"Say we love you too mama" Mena said and laughed before kissing me lightly on the lips.

Aaliyah eyes where flutter shut. I rested my head in Mena's shoulder.

"I'm exhausted" I say yawning.

"I know it's 6:30." Mena said.

Mena started to drift off into a deep sleep. I looked at him and our beautiful baby and smiled. Right after that, I fell asleep right away.


A/N: what did you guys thing about this chapter? Do you ever read stories where you really wanna tell someone something but you can't because your not in them?😂 Hope y'all like this. Also i was tired while writing this so I'm sorry for any mistakes.

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