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*4 months later. *

Mena keeps telling me I look like I'm about to burst but I look beautiful" we were going out with Will and Nasim today to the mall.

When we got there, I held on to Mena's hand very tight. We were looking for Forever 21 and Mena and Will were looking for Jimmy Jazz.

Nasim and I went into forever 21. Nothing really fit me here. I usually wear maternity clothes or Mena'a clothes. Nasim and I picked out really cute chains and sunglasses. We were talking about funny things that were going on around us.
Mena and Will came back and met us at Chick-fil-A.

"Baby... i brought you 2 rings and a necklace from Zales." Mena said while wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck.

"Awww baby, your really such a gentleman"

We sat down to eat. We we're all joking with each other and making jokes. We were ally dying laughing as chocking up from it.

"Knock knock" Will said

"Who's there?" We all replied


"Daisy who?" We day starting to giggle


We all burst out into a huge laughter. Suddenly, I start feeling someone like I was peeing on my self. I wasn't laugh that hard. I stood up and that's when I noticed my water broke.

"Uhhh... guys!!! MENA!! MY WATER BROKE" I yell.

"Oh my- Nay! Let's go let's go let's go"

We all rushed out the hospital. Nasim been keeping sheets in the car in case it ever broke when we were together. She laid them down fast so it didn't get everywhere.

Will was driving very quickly with his emergency lights in which was making me feel nauseous. Mena picked me up and ran into the hospital as Will and Nasim quickly ran behind us.

They took me back right away. Nasim sign in for me. Will and Nasim were in the waiting from and they called our parents. They gave Mena a outfit to out on and a mask as he stood back there with me.

1 nurse was squeezing my hand as Mena held the other.

"Ok, Naomi... I'm gonna need you to push really really hard" the doctor said

"Already?? "Mena said

"Yes! She is 10 centimeters dilated. " the doctor told Mena

"Puuuuuush" the doctor said.


I squeezed on the Mena's hand like i was falling of a cliff and if I let go I would die.


"Keep breathing Babe, you got this" Mena said with a scared look on his face.

"push one more time for me Naomi"

"AHHHHHHHHHUGHHHHHHH" i say crying so hard.

"We see the head push on more time"


All I heard was a baby crying. I looked at Mena and then at our precious daughter. They placed her in my arms. And I start crying even harder then I was before. Mena looked down on me and Smiled.

After holding her, they took her to wash her off and get me cleaned. After all of that. The transferred me into my private room. Mena got in the bed with me and we both held our little girl. Mena did skin on skin with her.

Pictures were being taken but not my Mena and I because we wanted to live in the moment. After our parents came back to visit us, Will and Nasim came in.

They both had ballons and Flowers. They hugged us and kissed our cheeks

"Congrats Man,! I'm an Uncle"Will said and we all laughed

"Soooo... can I hold her?" Nasim says.

Right when she was placed in her arms. Nasim start tearing up. After a while, she gave her to Will and he was being absolutely hilarious with her.

"What's her name?!???!!!" Will whisper shouts so he doesn't wake her.

Mena and I look at each other. At the same time we both said " Aaliyah"

"Awww that's so so cute" Nasim said

"Aye my lil girl" Will says

"Thank you so much, I love you both, but after all of that I'm exhausted. " i say.

They say there goodbyes and they head out. Mena and I both kissed Aaliyah and then he put her in her hospital crib. I fell asleep right after that. I can't believe this.

We are a mommy and daddy.


A/N: thanks to Qaanie_06  for the baby name!! Ahhh hope you like this!!! Stay tuned <3

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