Twenty Five

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Today is Aaliyah first birthday Party!!! I'm so excited for this day. Naomi was decorating the house while I cooked the food. We invited our families and friends. While the food was in the oven, I got Aaliyah changed in a supreme outfit and these cute little yellow shoes.

I carried her back down as she ran around the house. I heard Naomi yell "be careful" as I started cooking Tofu.

After a little while, Naomi came from behind me and kissed my cheek

"How's the food looking?"

"Amazing! I wanna eat it while I'm cooking it"

"Smell delicious"

"How's the decorations?"

"They look so nice! I'm very proud of myself"

"Great babe"

I kept cooking while other guest arrived.


Aaliyah laughed and said "hi hi" and waved. Her hi doesn't really sound like hi and it's the cutest thing ever

"Awww" Nasim said while coming in. "The house looks and smells amazing!"

"Thank you babes" Naomi replied.

Sooner or later, everyone arrived. There was a nice gift pile that Aaliyah kept running to constantly. I served everyone dinner. We all talked and chat about funny things.

After dinner, it was time for the games, first we played pin the tail on the donkey.

Will was hilarious during this game. He had no idea where to go. Everyone was laughing.

I,on the other hand, am an expert at this game. I heard everyone cheering. When I took off my blind fold, it was the closest to where the tail should be. After my turn, I held Aaliyah so she could play, and surprisingly, she won.

After that, we looked at the photo board Naomi made for Aaliyah. There was so many pictures and memories of the best times. I teared yo a little just thinking our  babygirl is growing up. I feel like just yesterday she was born. Naomi even included a picture that we took at the mall the day her water broke.

We then all at cake and Aaliyah made a mess. She was so funny and cute with it. She smashed it in my face and her grandfathers face which made everyone laugh.

We decided not to open presents that day because Aaliyah was getting tired and there was a lot to open. Everyone said there goodbyes and we thanked everyone for the special night.

Aaliyah climbed on my lap and squeezed my cheeks.

"Hi angel"

"Dada... story"

"You want me to tell you a story, well let's wash you up first. After that cake your a mess"

Naomi picked her up and gave her a bath. I brushed her hair and put it in a low braid so it doesn't get knotty. I picked her up and brought her to my bedroom.

Naomi and I climbed in bed and I put Aaliyah in between us.

"Ok, story time!!" Naomi said and Aaliyah clapped and smiled. Aaliyah is very advanced just like her mommy.

"Tonight I'm going to tell you the story of Ten in the Meadow"

I started telling her the story. She was very interested but then fell asleep. I picked her up and put her in her crib. I kissed her forehead and shut the door quietly.

I went back into my bedroom and collapsed on the bed.

"Exhausted? I am" Naomi said as I pulled her close to me.

"Very. But we did a good job creating that little girl"

"A excellent good"

"Baby can you sing me to sleep" she said looking up at me

"Of course"

I sang her songs as she drifted away smiling. I gave her a peck before I fell asleep with her.


A/N: hope y'all liked this!!! Love y'all and thanks for 2k!!! It means the world to me⚡️💛

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