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It's the day after Me and Mena kissed. Well, made out. It was really embarrassing that I ran off like that. I did it because I was scared and i didn't know how to act. But honestly it was messed up that I did that. I turn in my phone and I see that Mena was trying to get in Contact. I call back.

"Mena? Hey!" I say

"Naomi!! Why haven't you been answering???" He answers in a worried and annoyed tone

"My phone was on airplane mode. It charges quicker like that and I just got back from Nasim"

" Damn you had me scared... but anyways can I just asked why you walked away because it's kinda bothering me?"

"Mena, I was scared... I was just overthinking and I thought you might have not thought of me the way I did and I didn't want to be embarrassed. I didn't wanna hurt you. I'm sorry" I say

"Nay... it's ok. Honestly it's such a relief because thought I did something wrong" he says in a relief ton and he laughs lightly.

"You did nothing wrong, actual... you did something incredibly right.

"Nay... come over?"

"On my way" I say and then I hang up the phone. I change my outfit and head out the door (outfit below)

 I change my outfit and head out the door (outfit below)

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When I got there, Mena hugged me and grabbed my ass. "Damn mami" Mena whispers into my ear. I bite my lip and push him onto the couch. I straddle him and press my lip down on his. The kids became very intense and I start moving my hips up and down on him. He starts to remove my clothes as I do the same to him. I suck on his sweet spot and he lets out a soft moan. He flipped me over and now he was on top. He starting pounding into me and I couldn't resist to let out moans.

Me and Mena were curled up on the couch. We had rubbing my back as we just laid there with each other. He kissed me and we both smiled at one another.

"Mena... I love you, I really do" I say

"I love you, too!" He says

We were about to start kissing until Mena's phone rang "I should probably answer that" he said.

After a while he came back and sat next to me "Get dressed fancy-ish were going out to eat With Nasim and Will." He said to me "ok baby" I went back to my place to get clothes. I wore a tight red off shoulders dress and I did my makeup. After I was done getting ready, Mena picked me up and we drove to the restaurant.

When we got there, we said Hello and hugged Will and Nasim. We walked to the booth and i latched on the Mena's hands.

At dinner, Will was making corny but hilarious jokes and Mena and Will and there little kid arguments as me and Nasim laughed historically. Mena really is the most incredible thing that's ever happened to me. He's like my dream come true. He gives me butterflies and makes me blush every time I think about him.

After dinner, we all said our goodbyes and parted separate ways... I kept thinking about my beautiful mena. Ahhh I really love him. After a long day I changed into my oversized T-shirt and I climbed into bed. I then feel asleep very quickly.


A/N: this was kind of a different chapter... let me know if you guys liked it so I can do more like this of do something else

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