Twenty Six

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I woke up and did my morning routine. I put on a black romper with heels that I've been wanting to wear for a while. I went downstairs and seen Aaliyah playing with Mena.

"Hey babe, change that outfit"

"What why?" I say confused as I grab Aaliyah to kiss her cheek.

"Well, Will is gonna watch Aaliyah for a couple hours, then we'll pick her up but I have plans for us today."

"Oh ok... we're are we going"

"Can't say but, wear something comfy, mainly the shoes."

"Alright, well I'll be back"

I went up stairs and got changed into a lose orange dress with sneakers and sunglasses. When I came back down, we all ate breakfast together. The rest of the day was chill. Aaliyah played around and Mena was smiling the whole time.

It was 3:00 and Mena was getting everything ready for Aaliyah. He told me wait in the car, so I did. After about 5 minutes, he buckled Aaliyah in her car seat and drove to Will's house.

When we arrived, he told me to wait again. He grabbed Aaliyah and I kissed her goodbye. Another 5 minutes passed and then he returned to the car.

"Ok baby, this might take a little while so get comfortable and pick out a playlist"

"Alright, I reaaaaally wanna know where we're going"

"Can't say princess"

I laughed as I looked out the window. We sang and talked about things on the way there. It was now 5:00. It was a beautiful restaurant. I tired reading signs to see we're we were but I couldn't tell.

He opened my car door and led me out and into the restaurant. We walked over to a private table. I was stunned. It was amazing.

"Wow Mena!! This is amazing"

"Well, I just wanted to do a little somethin' somethin' for ma lady."

"Your the cutest"

I kissed him passionately and then we sat down to eat. We talked for a while and then ate dessert. May I add that it was the best chocolate cake I ever had!! It was delicious. After dinner, it was now about 7:20 and the sun was setting.

Mena grabbed my hand a pulled me with him.

"Now this is what the comfy shoes are for"

We had to jump and climb over some rocks. I kept holding tighter and tighter as I tried to not let go of his hand but he was moving to fast.

"Where are we going" I say trying to keep up

"You'll see"

I seen Mena jump down. It looked like he jump really far down. But then again, he was ahead of me. I didn't see him anymore. I ran up to where he was and jump down.

I was standing on the beach. It was beautiful. No one was there and the sunset looked amazing. I looked around but didn't see him anywhere.




"Shit you scared me" I say as we both laugh.

We both looked and admired the beautiful view. He held me in his arms. We danced and laughed for a while. It was now 8:00. It wasn't dark out, it was dim.

I looked out towards the ocean and Mena stood next to me.

"You know, I always wondered were the ocean goes. What's passed that line. Does it even end? It such a beautiful thing and people don't notice that it mean a lot. Imagine no ocean. No sea life. What would life be. I love the beach. This is my place." I say staring at the ocean.

I looked to the side were Mena is. Well... was. I didn't see him anywhere.

I turned around and there he was.

On one knee. He had a box. In side was a beautiful gorgeous diamond ring.

I was speechless. My eyes were immediately filled with tears.

"Naomi Grace Scott, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"


"Really... oh my fuck"



He put the ring on my finger and picked me up. He swung me around in a circle and then he pressed his lips against mine. He fell over into the warm sand and he kissed me passionately.

"Eww no it's gonna be in my hair"

We both laughed and kissed each other once more before climbing back up towards the rocks.

"By the way babe, I hired a photographer who was taking pictures and then tomorrow we're gonna get engagement pictures taken" he said holding my hand

"Okie dokie baby"

We had a very happy and peaceful night. We picked up Aaliyah, brought things to makes cookies tomorrow after the photoshoot and we both played games with Aaliyah.

I can not believe this. I'm getting married!!!!


A/N: ahhhhhh!!! There getting married. Hope y'all liked his chapter. Thank you to everyone for the ideas. Have an amazing week!!

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