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I wanted to get my mind off of things after everything that happened. Mena and I decided to go on a family vacation when I got out of the hospital. Things were still bothering me knowing this lady abused her child. Mena went to the police making a report about the incident at London. They said all was good and that the daughter was now Living with her grandparents.

We were going to the beach, I had on a yellow bikini. Aaliyah has a yellow one piece on and Mena had black swim shorts on.

We took pictures on the beach. The view was beautiful. Aaliyah was playing with sand as Mena and I made sure she wasn't eating it. Mena and I sat under and umbrella with are hands laced together.

"You enjoying this?" Mena said

"It's amazing! I love the beach so much. It's my happy place"

"I know, I feel like when you come down here, you can get away from all your problems"

We enjoyed ourselves for awhile. Aaliyah was getting tired so we were gonna head back, but then we ran into Mena's friend. We talked for a while and they offered to watch Aaliyah for a little while and maybe later on tonight.

When they left, along with our little angel, Mena and I walked around the beach. Hand in hand, we looked at the beautiful view. Everything felt right.

We went out u to the ocean. The waves were really strong but really fun. Mena picked me up and threw me into a wave, which caused a lifeguard to whistle and yell " No throwing" because the current was strong. I was embarrassed as Mena just laughed and kissed my cheek.

Walking back from the ocean, Mena was next to me, but then I noticed her wasn't anymore. I turned around quickly to see Mena staring.

"C'mon babe. What are you doing?" I say grabbing his hand.

"Mamiiiii look at you"

"Wow that's new" I laughed

"Baby I don't want other people to look at your ass. I know they can't help it because it's July so big and others but like... that ass is mine. I-"

"Mena shhh shut up" i say as we both laugh.

We decided to do one more thing before heading back to the hotel.  We got on a screamer boat and went dolphin watching. It was so cool. Dolphins are so amazing.

"Wow this is... incredible" Mena said.

"Look how cute they are"

We took pictures and then headed back to the hotel. We took separate showers and picked Aaliyah up. Mena picked up pizza for us to eat.

After that, we went on the board walk. Aaliyah was so interested in thing. The lights, the music, she loved it all. We brought food and some clothes. We decided to do the rides tomorrow night.

Aaliyah went back with Mena's friends as Mena and I walked down on the beach.

We climbed into the lifeguard stand.

"Look at the view"

"It's beautiful" I say.

"The moon is so bright and blue. "

"And the sand reminds we of a desert."

"Desert Moon" i say while I rest my head in his shoulder.

He grabbed my inner thigh which made a warm sensation go through my body. He started to make out with me and kiss me all down my neck.

"Wait Mena, before we get carried away, let's go back to the hotel. I don't wanna have sec on the beach"

"I agree... butttt why no sex on the beach?l" he says smirking

"I don't want sand in places they could most definitely not be" I say and we jump down and head back to the hotel.

Immediately when we got into the room. He locked the door and pinned me down on the bed. He kissed me very closely to my sweet spot. I couldn't help but to let out the moans. We quickly got undress. He lined himself up and pounded his member into me. He started slow to give me time to adjust but suddenly, He start moving extra fast. This went on for a while until we both reached our climax and collapsed into each other's arms.

Mena played with my hair as I laid my head against his chest. We laid there for awhile and suddenly the door knocked. We were both completely naked so Mena slid his pants on and I covered myself with the blanket

"Coming!!" Mena yells as He open the door.

"Just dropping Aaliyah off. She completely out! Have a nice night"

"Thank you so much!!" He said as he put Aaliyah down to sleep.

Mena kisses Aaliyah goodnight. When I went to stand up, I almost fell but Mena caught me.

"Your that weak... I must be good" he says laughing

"Shut up babe" i say giggling

I caught my balance as I kissed Aaliyah on the forehead and whispered goodnight to her.

Mena and I climbed into bed.  My back was so sore. What did he do to me. Mena winked and me before pulling me close and kissing me. We both fell asleep in each others warm presence.


A/N: hope y'all liked this. Sorry for the inappropriate content. Also let me Know if I could write and Mena and Naomi AU. And if I did, should it be about school, or then meeting from a group home. If you have any other ideas beside these, comment them. Love y'all

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