Thirty two

253 7 15


It's been a couple months. My baby bump is just barley showing. Aaliyah was at her friends birthday party and Nasim had just left. Mena isn't home yet but he should be soon.

I decided to do the laundry and clean while no one was around. Suddenly I felt someone touch my shoulder and I jumped. "Babe your scared me"

I said as Mena wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

"We have the night to ourselves... how about a nice dinner to ourselves. We could order some food and then spend time together?"

"I would love that babe"

"Alright... food is on the way"

After eating, he stood up and pulled me by the hips. He spun me around and then lowered down to my stomach. He tapped on it lightly.

"Hey little baby in there... your going to have the best sister and mommy and daddy in the world. I can't wait for me to hold you tightly in my arms. I love you so so much. I will cherish you for life."

My eyes started to tear as suddenly the phone rang. I seen it was Nasim.

"Hold on let me get this"


Mena laid on the couch as I answered the phone.


"Yes Nasim"

"We have a problem. Maybe I did something bad and I need you help"

"Oh my god what?!"

"So my ex... Brandon. We got in a fight and he tested me off my limits and maybe i broke into his house and trashed the place and left a note that said "love ya to" and don't call me petty for it I was mad. Well let's just say they have two cops looking for me and I need to hide at your place."

"NASIM!! How did you break in? What were you thinking?"

"That's the thing... I wasn't"

"Well of course you can stay here but you can't..on quote "hide". Just turn yourself in you won't get arrested"


"I won't let you"

"Oh my fuck he's texting me. He's threatening me"

"Take screen shots and show them to the police"

"I am."

"Nasim I feel like there more of a story behind this. Why would he all of a sudden reach out to you. You guys didn't even leave off on a bad note."



Mena looked back at me with worried eyes as I waited for an answer. He lip spoke to me "what happened?". I held up my finger representing one minute.


"Well he was around. And he had a hookup..."

"OH MY-"

"And lets just say a terrible fight broke out"

"I could imagine" I gasped

"And he played me. He only did it because his girlfriend was out of town. I swear if I knew I wouldn't of done it"

"I trust you Nasim. I know you wouldn't do that."

"That's all that happened... but now I'm in trouble and I don't know what to do"

She was cut off as my phone started buzzing on the other line.

"Nasim guess who's calling"


"No he's with me right now... its Brandon"



A/N: and so the drama begins... let me know what you guys think. So sorry i haven't updated in a while!! Thank you all so much for the support!

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