Thirty four

216 6 3

Today Nay and I are going wedding dress shopping. We had just arrived in the store and talked to a worker on what we're looking for.

"Are you nervous" I asked her and she played with her fingers

"A little... what if they don't have anything"

"Well there's always other stores to look at. I'm sure you'll do fine"

"I hope so"

We were then interrupted by the worker.

"I'm back my gals. So Naomi... here are some choices. Why don't you come back with me and I'll help you try these on"

"That would be great" she said smiling at me

"I'll be right here" I said as she walked to the back.


I tried in over a million dresses but none of them fit. Nasim and I have been to at least 10 different stores. As were were in our last store waiting for them to bring out more dresses, my phone started ringing.

"Mena? Hi baby"

"Hey! How's it going?"


"Not good?"

"Well.. yeah. It's not the best. I feel like I've tried on thousands of dresses"

"Don't get to worked up babe. I know you look beautiful in everything."

"Aww. Thanks Meen. How's my other baby doing"

"She good. Actually, Will came over and we've all be playing games."

"Aww tell her mama misses her"

"She says she misses you to."

"I gotta go babe. See you later"

"Bye Nay! Good luck"

After hanging up. I tried on 3 more dresses. At the last one, something seemed amazing. Perfect. I went out to show Nasim.

"HOLY SHIT GIRL. THATS THE ONE" she yelled. Thankfully no one heard her

"Shh." I laughed.

"What do you think babes" she asked very excitingly.

"It's the one. Isn't just..."



(Picture at the top)

Thankfully, after a long day, we went home and got the dress. Nasim took it back to her place so Mena didn't see it.

"Hey baby" Mena said kissing my forehead

"Hi sweetie. I found the one. But you can't see"

"Awww shit  I can't wait for our wedding!"

"Me too!"

"You know I love you right?"

"Clearly" I said as I pressed my lips against his as his hands travelled down my waist.

He started to kiss down my neck but then I stopped him.

"Hey babe. I'm really tired. Can we do this tomorrow?"

"Yeah of corse baby. Go get some rest"


A/N: sorry this is short!! Go check out Moonlight!! It's a Mena and Naomi AU💛

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