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I went shopping with my daughter to go by her some new clothes. Mena was at home... he said he had a surprise for me so I had time to spear.

Aaliyah and I were in a clothing store. She was in the shopping cart. As I pushed her around, he laughed and reached for things. I seen and outfit. I pulled one out but it was the wrong size.

"Oops baby, let's get you there right size" I say to her.

I turn around to grab the right size but when I turned back my heart dropped. She wasn't there. My eyes filled with tears immediately and my hands shaking. I screamed


I ran around looking for her pushing my way threw, when I got outside, I seen her get thrown into a car. They car drove away so quickly. I ran and jumped in my car and followed the other car.

I called the police and they said they'll be on it right away. The I called Mena.

"Hello Beautiful" He said



"I told him everything that happened. Suddenly, after following this car, it started taking me the wrong way on the highway. I didn't even notice because all I cared about was getting my kid. And then, every single car coming towards me. I came to a stop but BOOM! I was out like a light.


I pulled into the parking lot Naomi and I were gonna meet in. I was crying, shaking, I had no idea what to do. I didn't see here anywhere. I looked around. Then I seen Aaliyah. She was in a car screaming her head off.

I ran to the car and tried to break the window but the car pulled away so quickly. I got in my car and start following it. I was speeding way over the limits. I honestly didn't fucking care.

I didn't wanna have to do this, but it was the only way. I pulled my car in front of this kidnapers car and caused a huge accident. There was already and accident with and ambulance on the other side on the lane.

I was hurt, but i could give a shit less. I seen one man on the ground next to the car screaming in pain. Another lady who was tryna get away. I took a picture of her and immediately I kicked her in the stomach causing her to not be able to escape. I kicked the man in his dick while opening the car door.

There she was. Crying. Head bleeding. I grabbed her and ran over to the ambulance and police. I explained everything that happened.

The police arrested this man and woman and another ambulance came to take Aaliyah. As I got in the car with her, I seen that the person in the other ambulance was Naomi.

"TAKE US TO THE SAME HOSPITAL AS HER."  I scream starting to break down.

Shortly after we arrived at the hospital. Aaliyah got stitches on her head. It was rough at first but then she calmed down.

Right now, I'm currently waiting for Naomi to wake up. I'm holding Aaliyah tightly in my arms as she rest her head on me drifting to sleep. Naomi was unconscious about 3 hours ago. Last I heard is that she should wake up soon.

All of a sudden, I started to see Naomi's eyes flutter.

"Baby" I ran to her as tears filled my eyes. I placed Aaliyah in her arms. Naomi held her as I held her onto her just because Naomi was weak. We had a moment of silence as we all just embraced each other's presence.

I explained to her every little thing that happened. She cried during some parts but I wiped her tears.

"So, you took a picture of her?" She asked

"Yeah, the cops arrested him but I took a picture incase she escaped before the cops arrived"

"Can I see babe"


I showed her the picture and he eyes instantly light up. And not in a good way... her cheeks turned red as her eyes teared up.

"I know baby it's hard to think about"

"It's- that's"

"That's who?"

"That fucking crazy ass ugly bitch who I got in a fight with in London!!! She one who was hitting her child"

Holy fuck balls


A/N: hey guyssss... another update will be posted later on tonight. I'm sorry i haven't updated :( I was on vacation but I'm back now so I hope y'all enjoy!! Love you all thanks for the support ❤️

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