Twenty four

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I woke up. I struggled getting out of bed but I was able to do so. I limped into the living room. Naomi stopped feeding Aaliyah and ran over to be to help me get seated.

"Good morning baby"

"Feeling better"


She went over and cleaned Aaliyah up and then brought her over to me.

"Hi princess"

I played with her for a little but then I gave her back to Naomi because I didn't feel well.

"Nasim offered to watch Aaliyah for a little so it's takes stress off you back. She knows you don't feel well enough"

"Yeah that would be great"


It was pretty around 7:00. Aaliyah was with Nasim and Naomi has been taking care of me. I feel bad that she's been doing everything for me.

Naomi was cleaning the house. I have no idea why but she was. She was a little upset with me this morning because I wouldn't let her take me to the hospital.

"Baby stop cleaning" I said

"I can't, is my only time to clean up after Aaliyah little messy self"

"Please babygirl come and cuddle me"


"Please" I say holding out the e. I gave her puppy eyes and I pouted.


She came over and I pulled her close to me. I started kissing her passionately and are lips moved in sync. She really is the love of my life.
I kissed her once more before rested my head on top of hers.

"I love you Nay"

"I love you Meens"


It's been 3 months after the incident. Aaliyah is growing up and in a play date. Today, I decided to take Naomi on a stroll. She looked stunning as always.

We matched hands as we walked through the park. It was very quit and calm. The sun was just setting and the view looked beautiful. But not as beautiful as my sweet Naomi. We sat down on the bench. The wind blew at her face and the golden light that was fading fell upon her face perfectly.

It was a very nice peaceful day. Just spending time with the love of my life. Embracing each other's presence and making memories that you could never forget.

We heading back to the house and talked about funny and crazy things. Today was are chill day. And there's not a better way to spend it without her


A/N: this was a short chapter that's I'm using as a filler because I need more ideas so please comment some down below. Thank you so so much. Love you all!!

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