Thirty one

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It's been a week and Aaliyah isn't sick. I on the other hand have been very nauseous and emotional. Come to think of it, I've haven't gotten my period. I'm late.

I walked downstairs to see where Aaliyah and Mena were. They must of went out. I found a not on the table

"Good morning baby. Aaliyah and I went on a walk. You stay home and get some energy. We'll be back more no time
                                                     - Meens"
I went to the store and brought a pregnancy test. Luckily, when I got back no one was home. If he was I didn't have an excuse to why I left.

I took 2 test and let the results download. They both came back positive. Shit!! Am I really pregnant!! How do I tell him. Oh my!

My eyes filled with tears and I got extremely happy. I came up with a plan. Mena texted me he wouldn't be back for a while so I went to get a sonogram done.

~Later at night~

Mena has just fell asleep. I tip toed out the bed and down stairs. I grabbed everything I needed for my plan. I accidentally dropped a bunch of pens on the ground which created a huge crash. "Shit" I whispered to myself but it didn't seem to wake him. I created a card and but the ultrasound on the back of it. I put it in a very fancy envelope and tied a bow in it. I didn't put and address but I slipped into the mailbox instead of giving it to him in person.

I went back up stairs and kissed his forehead as he peacefully slept.

-The next morning-

Mena POV

I woke up to see Naomi sleeping in bed. I admired her beautiful face. I wen down stairs and grabbed the mail. I took and apple off the counter and looked through the mail

"Junk, shit, trash" i talk to myself while throwing mail into the trash pile. Suddenly I seen a very beautiful envelope. It didn't have and address or anything on it.

I opened up and the card read "someone in the family is having a baby!!!" At the bottom it said "Can you guess who?"

I read it over 2 more times and then out the card down. "Naomi!?"


"What babes" she says coming down the steps.

"Look what someone said do you think Nasim is pregnant?"

"Ouuu I don't know "

" she's your best friend wouldn't you know? OH WAIT"

"What's wrong" She said while rubbing my back and then coming to sit down on my lap.

"Baby are you pregnant?"

She didn't respond but she smiled at me. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Naomi are we having a child?"

"Look at the back" she said passing me the card.

It was a sonogram and it had her name in it"

"OH MY- " I say jumping up.

"Are you happy?" She says putting her arms around my neck.

"Happy? IM OVERJOYED AND EXCITED IM THRILLED AND SO HAPPY I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN IT" I say pressing my lips down onto hers. I then kissed her belly and grabbed Aaliyah.



"Guess what, your gonna be a big sister"

She clapped her hands and smiled"yayyy"

Naomi came in and I wrapped my one arm around her and the other around Aaliyah. We all placed our foreheads together creating a beautiful sight. I'm so excited to have such a nice growing family


A/N: hope y'all enjoyed!! This book is probably going to end soon and I would like to start a Naomi and Mena AU but im not sure if people would read so let my know in the comments please💛

Shout out to InfiniteFlameStories for the idea of this story. Please go show some love :)

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