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I seen her eyes start to fluter. She look beautiful even if she was slaying in a hospital bed.

"Mena" she whispered "where am in?"

"Nay!! Your at the hospital. You blacked out but everything is ok now."

"Oh my god" she starts to sit up but i told her and help her up slowly.

"Careful there babe"

She wrapped her arms around me and planted a soft kiss in my lips.

"Can we go home" she says

"They were running one last test then we could go ok babygirl?"

"Okay babe" she says.

I pass her water because I needed to make sure she wasn't dehydrated. She drank it and then gave it back to me. I held her hand and then the doctor came in.

"Naomi Scott... we have some news for you" the doctor said

"What is it?" Naomi says nicely

"Your.... your pregnant. 1 month!!!! I'll give you guys some time" the doctor says and then leaves the room.

"Oh... oh my god!!!" She says with her eyes fu of tears! "What if- What If your not ready what if I'm not ready?" She says starting to panic

"Shh hey hey... listen to me. If we're not ready, we will get ready. Look, we can get through this together. It might be hard but we will try our best. Your ok, I'm ok, we're creating a family. And everything is alright because I love you. I'm gonna be here through every single step of the way no matter what. " I say rubbing her back trying to keep her calm.

"Mena but I'm scared. I love you and this baby but I'm scared" she says crying. I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly.

"Don't be scared. I'm right here... and I always will be"

She gives me a reassuring smile. The doctor came in with discharge papers to sign and then we left the hospital. We went back to my place. I laid her down on the couch, and kissed her.

"Baby... were really doing this" she said holding my hand

"Yeah babe, we most definitely are."

She went to sleep on the couch that night and I did too.

The next morning, I made us breakfast. We are together and we talked about the pregnancy. How next time we should probably use protection.

"So I was thinking today we could do some yoga. It's good for the pregnancy. I looked up some articles about it after you fell asleeplast night" I say.

"Honestly, this is gonna be fun, stressful but fun"

"Right babe... think on the bright side" I say and we both smile.

After breakfast and after we both took showers, we went on YouTube and looked up some yoga poses and things to do.

It was very funny doing some of them, some were to difficult so we just didn't do it but we got through it.

After yoga, she was feeling weak and tired so she took a nap. As she was doing this, I looked up so many things on babies. I can't believe this. I'm going to be a dad!


A/N: what do you guys think about Naomi being pregnant?!! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Thank you all so much for your support and Votes! Love y'all

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